002 *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
003 *  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
004 *  distributed with this work for additional information
005 *  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
006 *  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
007 *  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
008 *  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
009 *  
010 *    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
011 *  
012 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
013 *  software distributed under the License is distributed on an
015 *  KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
016 *  specific language governing permissions and limitations
017 *  under the License. 
018 *  
019 */
020package org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.message;
023import java.util.Collections;
024import java.util.HashSet;
025import java.util.Set;
027import javax.naming.CommunicationException;
028import javax.naming.LimitExceededException;
029import javax.naming.PartialResultException;
030import javax.naming.SizeLimitExceededException;
032import org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.exception.LdapAdminLimitExceededException;
033import org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.exception.LdapAffectMultipleDsaException;
034import org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.exception.LdapAliasDereferencingException;
035import org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.exception.LdapAliasException;
036import org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.exception.LdapAttributeInUseException;
037import org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.exception.LdapAuthenticationException;
038import org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.exception.LdapAuthenticationNotSupportedException;
039import org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.exception.LdapCannotCancelException;
040import org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.exception.LdapContextNotEmptyException;
041import org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.exception.LdapEntryAlreadyExistsException;
042import org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.exception.LdapException;
043import org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.exception.LdapInvalidAttributeTypeException;
044import org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.exception.LdapInvalidAttributeValueException;
045import org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.exception.LdapInvalidDnException;
046import org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.exception.LdapInvalidSearchFilterException;
047import org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.exception.LdapLoopDetectedException;
048import org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.exception.LdapNoPermissionException;
049import org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.exception.LdapNoSuchAttributeException;
050import org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.exception.LdapNoSuchObjectException;
051import org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.exception.LdapNoSuchOperationException;
052import org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.exception.LdapOperationErrorException;
053import org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.exception.LdapOperationException;
054import org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.exception.LdapOtherException;
055import org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.exception.LdapProtocolErrorException;
056import org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.exception.LdapSchemaViolationException;
057import org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.exception.LdapServiceUnavailableException;
058import org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.exception.LdapSizeLimitExceededException;
059import org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.exception.LdapStrongAuthenticationRequiredException;
060import org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.exception.LdapTimeLimitExceededException;
061import org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.exception.LdapTooLateException;
062import org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.exception.LdapUnknownException;
063import org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.exception.LdapUnwillingToPerformException;
067 * Type safe LDAP message envelope result code enumeration. The resultCode is a
068 * parameter of the LDAPResult which is the construct used in this protocol to
069 * return success or failure indications from servers to clients. In response to
070 * various requests servers will return responses containing fields of type
071 * LDAPResult to indicate the final status of a protocol operation request. This
072 * enumeration represents the various status codes associated with an
073 * LDAPResult, hence it is called the ResultCodeEnum. Here are the definitions
074 * and values for error codes from section 4.1.10 of <a
075 * href="http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2251.html">RFC 2251</a>:
076 * 
077 * <pre><code>
078 *     resultCode
079 *        ENUMERATED {
080 *           success                      (0),
081 *           operationsError              (1),
082 *           protocolError                (2),
083 *           timeLimitExceeded            (3),
084 *           sizeLimitExceeded            (4),
085 *           compareFalse                 (5),
086 *           compareTrue                  (6),
087 *           authMethodNotSupported       (7),
088 *           strongAuthRequired           (8),
089 *           partialResults               (9),   -- new
090 *           referral                     (10),  -- new
091 *           adminLimitExceeded           (11),  -- new
092 *           unavailableCriticalExtension (12),  -- new
093 *           confidentialityRequired      (13),  -- new
094 *           saslBindInProgress           (14),  -- new
095 *           noSuchAttribute              (16),
096 *           undefinedAttributeType       (17),
097 *           inappropriateMatching        (18),
098 *           constraintViolation          (19),
099 *           attributeOrValueExists       (20),
100 *           invalidAttributeSyntax       (21),
101 *           -- 22-31 unused --
102 *           NO_SUCH_OBJECT               (32),
103 *           aliasProblem                 (33),
104 *           invalidDNSyntax              (34),
105 *           -- 35 reserved for undefined isLeaf --
106 *           aliasDereferencingProblem    (36),
107 *           -- 37-47 unused --
108 *           inappropriateAuthentication  (48),
109 *           invalidCredentials           (49),
110 *           insufficientAccessRights     (50),
111 *           busy                         (51),
112 *           unavailable                  (52),
113 *           unwillingToPerform           (53),
114 *           loopDetect                   (54),
115 *           -- 55-63 unused --
116 *           namingViolation              (64),
117 *           objectClassViolation         (65),
118 *           notAllowedOnNonLeaf          (66),
119 *           notAllowedOnRDN              (67),
120 *           entryAlreadyExists           (68),
121 *           objectClassModsProhibited    (69),
122 *           -- 70 reserved for CLDAP --
123 *           affectsMultipleDSAs          (71), -- new
124 *           -- 72-79 unused --
125 *           other                        (80) },
126 *           -- 81-90 reserved for APIs --
127 * </code></pre>
128 * 
129 * All the result codes with the exception of success, compareFalse and
130 * compareTrue are to be treated as meaning the operation could not be completed
131 * in its entirety. Most of the result codes are based on problem indications
132 * from X.511 error data types. Result codes from 16 to 21 indicate an
133 * AttributeProblem, codes 32, 33, 34 and 36 indicate a NameProblem, codes 48,
134 * 49 and 50 indicate a SecurityProblem, codes 51 to 54 indicate a
135 * ServiceProblem, and codes 64 to 69 and 71 indicates an UpdateProblem. If a
136 * client receives a result code which is not listed above, it is to be treated
137 * as an unknown error condition. The majority of this javadoc was pasted in
138 * from RFC 2251. There's and expired draft out there on error codes which makes
139 * alot of sense: <a
140 * href="http://www.alternic.org/drafts/drafts-j-k/draft-just-ldapv3-rescodes-02.html"> 
141 * ietf (expired) draft</a> on error codes (read at your discretion).
142 * Result codes have been identified and split into categories:
143 * <ul>
144 * <li> Non-Erroneous: Five result codes that may be returned in LDAPResult are
145 * not used to indicate an error. </li>
146 * <li> General: returned only when no suitable specific error exists. </li>
147 * <li> Specific: Specific errors are used to indicate that a particular type of
148 * error has occurred. These error types are:
149 * <ul>
150 * <li> Name, </li>
151 * <li> Update, </li>
152 * <li> Attribute </li>
153 * <li> Security, and </li>
154 * <li> Service </li>
155 * </ul>
156 * </li>
157 * </ul>
158 * The result codes are also grouped according to the following LDAP operations
159 * which return responses:
160 * <ul>
161 * <li> bind </li>
162 * <li> search </li>
163 * <li> modify </li>
164 * <li> modifyDn </li>
165 * <li> add </li>
166 * <li> delete </li>
167 * <li> compare </li>
168 * <li> extended </li>
169 * </ul>
170 * 
171 * @author <a href="mailto:dev@directory.apache.org">Apache Directory Project</a>
172 */
173public enum ResultCodeEnum
175    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
176    // Public Static Constants: Enumeration values and names.
177    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
178    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
179    // Non Erroneous Codes:
180    //
181    // Five result codes that may be returned in LDAPResult are not used to
182    // indicate an error. These result codes are listed below. The first
183    // three codes, indicate to the client that no further action is required
184    // in order to satisfy their request. In contrast, the last two errors
185    // require further action by the client in order to complete their original
186    // operation request.
187    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
189    /**
190     * It is returned when the client operation completed successfully without
191     * errors. This code is one of 5 result codes that may be returned in the
192     * LDAPResult which are not used to indicate an error. Applicable
193     * operations: all except for Compare. Result code type: Non-Erroneous
194     */
195    SUCCESS(0, "success"),
197    /**
198     * Servers sends this result code to LDAP v2 clients to refer them to
199     * another LDAP server. When sending this code to a client, the server
200     * includes a newline-delimited list of LDAP URLs that identify another LDAP
201     * server. If the client identifies itself as an LDAP v3 client in the
202     * request, servers send an REFERRAL result code instead of this result
203     * code.
204     */
205    PARTIAL_RESULTS(9, "partialResults"),
207    /**
208     * It is used to indicate that the result of a Compare operation is FALSE
209     * and does not indicate an error. 1 of 5 codes that do not indicate an
210     * error condition. Applicable operations: Compare. Result code type:
211     * Non-Erroneous
212     */
213    COMPARE_FALSE(5, "compareFalse"),
215    /**
216     * It is used to indicate that the result of a Compare operation is TRUE and
217     * does not indicate an error. 1 of 5 codes that do not indicate an error
218     * condition. Applicable operations: Compare. Result code type:
219     * Non-Erroneous
220     */
221    COMPARE_TRUE(6, "compareTrue"),
223    /**
224     * Rather than indicating an error, this result code is used to indicate
225     * that the server does not hold the target entry of the request but is able
226     * to provide alternative servers that may. A set of server(s) URLs may be
227     * returned in the referral field, which the client may subsequently query
228     * to attempt to complete their operation. 1 of 5 codes that do not indicate
229     * an error condition yet requires further action on behalf of the client to
230     * complete the request. This result code is new in LDAPv3. Applicable
231     * operations: all. Result code type: Non-Erroneous
232     */
233    REFERRAL(10, "referral"),
235    /**
236     * This result code is not an error response from the server, but rather, is
237     * a request for bind continuation. The server requires the client to send a
238     * new bind request, with the same SASL mechanism, to continue the
239     * authentication process [RFC2251, Section 4.2.3]. This result code is new
240     * in LDAPv3. Applicable operations: Bind. Result code type: Non-Erroneous
241     */
242    SASL_BIND_IN_PROGRESS(14, "saslBindInProgress"),
244    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
245    // Problem Specific Error Codes:
246    //
247    // Specific errors are used to indicate that a particular type of error
248    // has occurred. These error types are Name, Update, Attribute, Security,
249    // and Service.
250    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
251    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
252    // Security Problem Specific Error Codes:
253    //
254    // A security error reports a problem in carrying out an operation for
255    // security reasons [X511, Section 12.7].
256    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
258    /**
259     * This error code should be returned if the client requests, in a Bind
260     * request, an authentication method which is not supported or recognized by
261     * the server. Applicable operations: Bind. Result code type: Specific
262     * (Security)
263     */
264    AUTH_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED(7, "authMethodNotSupported"),
266    /**
267     * This error may be returned on a bind request if the server only accepts
268     * strong authentication or it may be returned when a client attempts an
269     * operation which requires the client to be strongly authenticated - for
270     * example Delete. This result code may also be returned in an unsolicited
271     * notice of disconnection if the server detects that an established
272     * underlying security association protecting communication between the
273     * client and server has unexpectedly failed or been compromised. [RFC2251,
274     * Section 4.4.1] Applicable operations: all. Result code type: Specific
275     * (Security)
276     */
277    STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED(8, "strongAuthRequired"),
279    /**
280     * This error code may be returned if the session is not protected by a
281     * protocol which provides session confidentiality. For example, if the
282     * client did not establish a TLS connection using a cipher suite which
283     * provides confidentiality of the session before sending any other
284     * requests, and the server requires session confidentiality then the server
285     * may reject that request with a result code of confidentialityRequired.
286     * This error code is new in LDAPv3. Applicable operations: all. Result code
287     * type: Specific (Security)
288     */
289    CONFIDENTIALITY_REQUIRED(13, "confidentialityRequired"),
291    /**
292     * An alias was encountered in a situation where it was not allowed or where
293     * access was denied [X511, Section 12.5]. For example, if the client does
294     * not have read permission for the aliasedObjectName attribute and its
295     * value then the error aliasDereferencingProblem should be returned. [X511,
296     * Section] Notice that this error has similar meaning to
297     * INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_RIGHTS (50), but is specific to Searching on an alias.
298     * Applicable operations: Search. Result code type: Specific (Security)
299     */
300    ALIAS_DEREFERENCING_PROBLEM(36, "aliasDereferencingProblem"),
302    /**
303     * This error should be returned by the server when the client has tried to
304     * use a method of authentication that is inappropriate, that is a method of
305     * authentication which the client is unable to use correctly. In other
306     * words, the level of security associated with the requestor's credentials
307     * is inconsistent with the level of protection requested, e.g. simple
308     * credentials were supplied while strong credentials were required [X511,
309     * Section 12.7]. Applicable operations: Bind. Result code type: Specific
310     * (Security)
311     */
312    INAPPROPRIATE_AUTHENTICATION(48, "inappropriateAuthentication"),
314    /**
315     * This error code is returned if the Dn or password used in a simple bind
316     * operation is incorrect, or if the Dn or password is incorrect for some
317     * other reason, e.g. the password has expired. This result code only
318     * applies to Bind operations -- it should not be returned for other
319     * operations if the client does not have sufficient permission to perform
320     * the requested operation - in this case the return code should be
321     * insufficientAccessRights. Applicable operations: Bind. Result code type:
322     * Specific (Security)
323     */
324    INVALID_CREDENTIALS(49, "invalidCredentials"),
326    /**
327     * The requestor does not have the right to carry out the requested
328     * operation [X511, Section 12.7]. Note that the more specific
329     * aliasDereferencingProblem is returned in case of a Search on an alias
330     * where the requestor has insufficientAccessRights. Applicable operations:
331     * all except for Bind. Result code type: Specific (Security)
332     */
333    INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_RIGHTS(50, "insufficientAccessRights"),
335    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
336    // Service Problem Specific Error Codes:
337    //
338    // A service error reports a problem related to the provision of the
339    // service [X511, Section 12.8].
340    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
342    /**
343     * If the server requires that the client bind before browsing or modifying
344     * the directory, the server MAY reject a request other than binding,
345     * unbinding or an extended request with the "operationsError" result.
346     * [RFC2251, Section 4.2.1] Applicable operations: all except Bind. Result
347     * code type: Specific (Service)
348     */
349    OPERATIONS_ERROR(1, "operationsError"),
351    /**
352     * A protocol error should be returned by the server when an invalid or
353     * malformed request is received from the client. This may be a request that
354     * is not recognized as an LDAP request, for example, if a nonexistent
355     * operation were specified in LDAPMessage. As well, it may be the result of
356     * a request that is missing a required parameter, such as a search filter
357     * in a search request. If the server can return an error, which is more
358     * specific than protocolError, then this error should be returned instead.
359     * For example if the server does not recognize the authentication method
360     * requested by the client then the error authMethodNotSupported should be
361     * returned instead of protocolError. The server may return details of the
362     * error in the error string. Applicable operations: all. Result code type:
363     * Specific (Service)
364     */
365    PROTOCOL_ERROR(2, "protocolError"),
367    /**
368     * This error should be returned when the time to perform an operation has
369     * exceeded either the time limit specified by the client (which may only be
370     * set by the client in a search operation) or the limit specified by the
371     * server. If the time limit is exceeded on a search operation then the
372     * result is an arbitrary selection of the accumulated results [X511,
373     * Section 7.5]. Note that an arbitrary selection of results may mean that
374     * no results are returned to the client. If the LDAP server is a front end
375     * for an X.500 server, any operation that is chained may exceed the
376     * timelimit, therefore clients can expect to receive timelimitExceeded for
377     * all operations. For stand alone LDAP- Servers that do not implement
378     * chaining it is unlikely that operations other than search operations will
379     * exceed the defined timelimit. Applicable operations: all. Result code
380     * type: Specific (Service)
381     */
382    TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED(3, "timeLimitExceeded"),
384    /**
385     * This error should be returned when the number of results generated by a
386     * search exceeds the maximum number of results specified by either the
387     * client or the server. If the size limit is exceeded then the results of a
388     * search operation will be an arbitrary selection of the accumulated
389     * results, equal in number to the size limit [X511, Section 7.5].
390     * Applicable operations: Search. Result code type: Specific (Service)
391     */
392    SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED(4, "sizeLimitExceeded"),
394    /**
395     * The server has reached some limit set by an administrative authority, and
396     * no partial results are available to return to the user [X511, Section
397     * 12.8]. For example, there may be an administrative limit to the number of
398     * entries a server will check when gathering potential search result
399     * candidates [Net]. This error code is new in LDAPv3. Applicable
400     * operations: all. Result code type: Specific (Service)
401     */
402    ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED(11, "adminLimitExceeded"),
404    /**
405     * The server was unable to satisfy the request because one or more critical
406     * extensions were not available [X511, Section 12.8]. This error is
407     * returned, for example, when a control submitted with a request is marked
408     * critical but is not recognized by a server or when such a control is not
409     * appropriate for the operation type. [RFC2251 section 4.1.12]. This error
410     * code is new in LDAPv3. Applicable operations: all. Result code type:
411     * Specific (Service)
412     */
413    UNAVAILABLE_CRITICAL_EXTENSION(12, "unavailableCriticalExtension"),
415    /**
416     * This error code may be returned if the server is unable to process the
417     * client's request at this time. This implies that if the client retries
418     * the request shortly the server will be able to process it then.
419     * Applicable operations: all. Result code type: Specific (Service)
420     */
421    BUSY(51, "busy"),
423    /**
424     * This error code is returned when the server is unavailable to process the
425     * client's request. This usually means that the LDAP server is shutting
426     * down [RFC2251, Section 4.2.3]. Applicable operations: all. Result code
427     * type: Specific (Service)
428     */
429    UNAVAILABLE(52, "unavailable"),
431    /**
432     * This error code should be returned by the server when a client request is
433     * properly formed but which the server is unable to complete due to
434     * server-defined restrictions. For example, the server, or some part of it,
435     * is not prepared to execute this request, e.g. because it would lead to
436     * excessive consumption of resources or violates the policy of an
437     * Administrative Authority involved [X511, Section 12.8]. If the server is
438     * able to return a more specific error code such as adminLimitExceeded it
439     * should. This error may also be returned if the client attempts to modify
440     * attributes which can not be modified by users, e.g., operational
441     * attributes such as creatorsName or createTimestamp [X511, Section 7.12].
442     * If appropriate, details of the error should be provided in the error
443     * message. Applicable operations: all. Result code type: Specific (Service)
444     */
445    UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM(53, "unwillingToPerform"),
447    /**
448     * This error may be returned by the server if it detects an alias or
449     * referral loop, and is unable to satisfy the client's request. Applicable
450     * operations: all. Result code type: Specific (Service)
451     */
452    LOOP_DETECT(54, "loopDetect"),
454    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
455    // Attribute Problem Specific Error Codes:
456    //
457    // An attribute error reports a problem related to an attribute specified
458    // by the client in their request message.
459    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
461    /**
462     * This error may be returned if the attribute specified as an argument of
463     * the operation does not exist in the entry. Applicable operations: Modify,
464     * Compare. Result code type: Specific (Attribute)
465     */
466    NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE(16, "noSuchAttribute"),
468    /**
469     * This error may be returned if the specified attribute is unrecognized by
470     * the server, since it is not present in the server's defined schema. If
471     * the server doesn't recognize an attribute specified in a search request
472     * as the attribute to be returned the server should not return an error in
473     * this case - it should just return values for the requested attributes it
474     * does recognize. Note that this result code only applies to the Add and
475     * Modify operations [X.511, Section 12.4]. Applicable operations: Modify,
476     * Add. Result code type: Specific (Attribute)
477     */
478    UNDEFINED_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE(17, "undefinedAttributeType"),
480    /**
481     * An attempt was made, e.g., in a filter, to use a matching rule not
482     * defined for the attribute type concerned [X511, Section 12.4]. Applicable
483     * operations: Search. Result code type: Specific (Attribute)
484     */
485    INAPPROPRIATE_MATCHING(18, "inappropriateMatching"),
487    /**
488     * This error should be returned by the server if an attribute value
489     * specified by the client violates the constraints placed on the attribute
490     * as it was defined in the DSA - this may be a size constraint or a
491     * constraint on the content. Applicable operations: Modify, Add, ModifyDN.
492     * Result code type: Specific (Attribute)
493     */
494    CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION(19, "constraintViolation"),
496    /**
497     * This error should be returned by the server if the value specified by the
498     * client already exists within the attribute. Applicable operations:
499     * Modify, Add. Result code type: Specific (Attribute)
500     */
501    ATTRIBUTE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS(20, "attributeOrValueExists"),
503    /**
504     * This error should be returned by the server if the attribute syntax for
505     * the attribute value, specified as an argument of the operation, is
506     * unrecognized or invalid. Applicable operations: Modify, Add. Result code
507     * type: Specific (Attribute)
508     */
509    INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX(21, "invalidAttributeSyntax"),
511    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
512    // Name Problem Specific Error Codes:
513    //
514    // A name error reports a problem related to the distinguished name
515    // provided as an argument to an operation [X511, Section 12.5].
516    //
517    // For result codes of noSuchObject, aliasProblem, invalidDNSyntax and
518    // aliasDereferencingProblem (see Section, the matchedDN
519    // field is set to the name of the lowest entry (object or alias) in the
520    // directory that was matched. If no aliases were dereferenced while
521    // attempting to locate the entry, this will be a truncated form of the
522    // name provided, or if aliases were dereferenced, of the resulting
523    // name, as defined in section 12.5 of X.511 [X511]. The matchedDN field
524    // is to be set to a zero length string with all other result codes
525    // [RFC2251, Section 4.1.10].
526    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
528    /**
529     * This error should only be returned if the target object cannot be found.
530     * For example, in a search operation if the search base can not be located
531     * in the DSA the server should return NO_SUCH_OBJECT. If, however, the search
532     * base is found but does not match the search filter, success, with no
533     * resultant objects, should be returned instead of NO_SUCH_OBJECT. If the
534     * LDAP server is a front end for an X.500 DSA then NO_SUCH_OBJECT may also be
535     * returned if discloseOnError is not granted for an entry and the client
536     * does not have permission to view or modify the entry. Applicable
537     * operations: all except for Bind. Result code type: Specific (Name)
538     */
539    NO_SUCH_OBJECT(32, "noSuchObject"),
541    /**
542     * An alias has been dereferenced which names no object [X511, Section 12.5]
543     * Applicable operations: Search. Result code type: Specific (Name)
544     */
545    ALIAS_PROBLEM(33, "aliasProblem"),
547    /**
548     * This error should be returned by the server if the Dn syntax is
549     * incorrect. It should not be returned if the Dn is correctly formed but
550     * represents an entry which is not permitted by the structure rules at the
551     * DSA ; in this case namingViolation should be returned instead. Applicable
552     * operations: all. Result code type: Specific (Name)
553     */
554    INVALID_DN_SYNTAX(34, "invalidDNSyntax"),
556    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
557    // Update Problem Specific Error Codes:
558    //
559    // An update error reports problems related to attempts to add, delete, or
560    // modify information in the DIB [X511, Section 12.9].
561    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
563    /**
564     * The attempted addition or modification would violate the structure rules
565     * of the DIT as defined in the directory schema and X.501. That is, it
566     * would place an entry as the subordinate of an alias entry, or in a region
567     * of the DIT not permitted to a member of its object class, or would define
568     * an Rdn for an entry to include a forbidden attribute type [X511, Section
569     * 12.9]. Applicable operations: Add, ModifyDN. Result code type: Specific
570     * (Update)
571     */
572    NAMING_VIOLATION(64, "namingViolation"),
574    /**
575     * This error should be returned if the operation requested by the user
576     * would violate the objectClass requirements for the entry if carried out.
577     * On an add or modify operation this would result from trying to add an
578     * object class without a required attribute, or by trying to add an
579     * attribute which is not permitted by the current object class set in the
580     * entry. On a modify operation this may result from trying to remove a
581     * required attribute without removing the associated auxiliary object
582     * class, or by attempting to remove an object class while the attributes it
583     * permits are still present. Applicable operations: Add, Modify, ModifyDN.
584     * Result code type: Specific (Update)
585     */
586    OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION(65, "objectClassViolation"),
588    /**
589     * This error should be returned if the client attempts to perform an
590     * operation which is permitted only on leaf entries - e.g., if the client
591     * attempts to delete a non-leaf entry. If the directory does not permit
592     * ModifyDN for non-leaf entries then this error may be returned if the
593     * client attempts to change the Dn of a non-leaf entry. (Note that 1988
594     * edition X.500 servers only permitted change of the Rdn of an entry's Dn
595     * [X.511, Section 11.4.1]). Applicable operations: Delete, ModifyDN. Result
596     * code type: Specific (Update)
597     */
598    NOT_ALLOWED_ON_NON_LEAF(66, "notAllowedOnNonLeaf"),
600    /**
601     * The attempted operation would affect the Rdn (e.g., removal of an
602     * attribute which is a part of the Rdn) [X511, Section 12.9]. If the client
603     * attempts to remove from an entry any of its distinguished values, those
604     * values which form the entry's relative distinguished name the server
605     * should return the error notAllowedOnRDN. [RFC2251, Section 4.6]
606     * Applicable operations: Modify. Result code type: Specific (Update)
607     */
608    NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN(67, "notAllowedOnRDN"),
610    /**
611     * This error should be returned by the server when the client attempts to
612     * add an entry which already exists, or if the client attempts to rename an
613     * entry with the name of an entry which exists. Applicable operations: Add,
614     * ModifyDN. Result code type: Specific (Update)
615     */
616    ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS(68, "entryAlreadyExists"),
618    /**
619     * An operation attempted to modify an object class that should not be
620     * modified, e.g., the structural object class of an entry. Some servers may
621     * not permit object class modifications, especially modifications to the
622     * structural object class since this may change the entry entirely, name
623     * forms, structure rules etc. [X.511, Section 12.9]. Applicable operations:
624     * Modify. Result code type: Specific (Update)
625     */
626    OBJECT_CLASS_MODS_PROHIBITED(69, "objectClassModsProhibited"),
628    /**
629     * This error code should be returned to indicate that the operation could
630     * not be performed since it affects more than one DSA. This error code is
631     * new for LDAPv3. X.500 restricts the ModifyDN operation to only affect
632     * entries that are contained within a single server. If the LDAP server is
633     * mapped onto DAP, then this restriction will apply, and the resultCode
634     * affectsMultipleDSAs will be returned if this error occurred. In general
635     * clients MUST NOT expect to be able to perform arbitrary movements of
636     * entries and subtrees between servers [RFC2251, Section 4.9]. Applicable
637     * operations: ModifyDN. Result code type: Specific (Update)
638     */
639    AFFECTS_MULTIPLE_DSAS(71, "affectsMultipleDSAs"),
641    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
642    // General Error Codes:
643    //
644    // A general error code typically specifies an error condition for which
645    // there is no suitable specific error code. If the server can return an
646    // error, which is more specific than the following general errors, then
647    // the specific error should be returned instead.
648    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
650    /**
651     * This error code should be returned only if no other error code is
652     * suitable. Use of this error code should be avoided if possible. Details
653     * of the error should be provided in the error message. Applicable
654     * operations: all. Result code type: General
655     */
656    OTHER(80, "other"),
658    /**
659     * This error code is returned when an operation has been canceled using
660     * the Cancel extended operation. 
661     */
662    CANCELED(118, "canceled"),
664    /**
665     * This error code is returned if the server has no knowledge of
666     * the operation requested for cancelation.
667     */
668    NO_SUCH_OPERATION(119, "noSuchOperation"),
670    /**
671     * The tooLate resultCode is returned to indicate that it is too late to
672     * cancel the outstanding operation.  For example, the server may return
673     * tooLate for a request to cancel an outstanding modify operation which
674     * has already committed updates to the underlying data store.
675     */
676    TOO_LATE(120, "tooLate"),
678    /**
679     * The cannotCancel resultCode is returned if the identified operation
680     * does not support cancelation or the cancel operation could not be
681     * performed.  The following classes of operations are not cancelable:
682     *
683     * -  operations which have no response,
684     *
685     * -  operations which create, alter, or destroy authentication and/or
686     *    authorization associations,
687     *
688     * -  operations which establish, alter, or tear-down security services,
689     *    and
690     *
691     * -  operations which abandon or cancel other operations.
692     */
693    CANNOT_CANCEL(121, "cannotCancel"),
695    /**
696     * The server may return this result code on the initial content poll
697     * if it is safe to do so when it is unable to perform the operation
698     * due to various reasons. For more detailed explanation refer 
699     * <a href="http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc4533.html">RFC 4533 (a.k.a syncrepl)</a>
700     */
701    E_SYNC_REFRESH_REQUIRED(4096, "eSyncRefreshRequired"),
703    /**
704     * A unknown result code to cover all the other cases
705     */
706    // -- 15 unused --
707    // -- 22-31 unused --
708    // -- 35 reserved for undefined isLeaf --
709    // -- 37-47 unused --
710    // -- 55-63 unused --
711    // -- 70 reserved for CLDAP --
712    // -- 72-79 unused --
713    // -- 81-90 reserved for APIs --
714    UNKNOWN(122, "unknown");
716    /** Stores the integer value of each element of the enumeration */
717    private int value;
719    /** Stores the description of each element of the enumeration */
720    private String message;
722    private static final Set<ResultCodeEnum> EMPTY_RESULT_CODE_SET = new HashSet<>();
724    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
725    // Error Codes Grouped Into Categories & Static Accessors
726    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
728    /**
729     * Five result codes that may be returned in LDAPResult are not used to
730     * indicate an error. The first three codes, indicate to the client that no
731     * further action is required in order to satisfy their request. In
732     * contrast, the last two errors require further action by the client in
733     * order to complete their original operation request. The set contains:
734     * <ul>
735     * <li><a href="#SUCCESS">SUCCESS</a></li>
736     * <li><a href="#COMPARETRUE">COMPARETRUE</a></li>
737     * <li><a href="#COMPAREFALSE">COMPAREFALSE</a></li>
738     * <li><a href="#REFERRAL">REFERRAL</a></li>
739     * <li><a href="#SASL_BIND_IN_PROGRESS">SASL_BIND_IN_PROGRESS</a></li>
740     * </ul>
741     */
742    private static final Set<ResultCodeEnum> NON_ERRONEOUS_CODES;
744    static
745    {
746        Set<ResultCodeEnum> set = new HashSet<>();
747        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.SUCCESS );
748        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.COMPARE_TRUE );
749        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.COMPARE_FALSE );
750        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.REFERRAL );
751        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.SASL_BIND_IN_PROGRESS );
752        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CANCELED );
753        NON_ERRONEOUS_CODES = Collections.unmodifiableSet( set );
754    }
756    /**
757     * A set of result code enumerations that may result from bind operations.
758     * The set contains:
759     * <ul>
760     * <li><a href="#BUSY">BUSY</a></li>
761     * <li><a href="#OTHER">OTHER</a></li>
762     * <li><a href="#SUCCESS">SUCCESS</a></li>
763     * <li><a href="#REFERRAL">REFERRAL</a></li>
764     * <li><a href="#LOOP_DETECT">LOOP_DETECT</a></li>
765     * <li><a href="#UNAVAILABLE">UNAVAILABLE</a></li>
766     * <li><a href="#PROTOCOL_ERROR">PROTOCOL_ERROR</a></li>
767     * <li><a href="#INVALID_DN_SYNTAX">INVALID_DN_SYNTAX</a></li>
768     * <li><a href="#TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED">TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED</a></li>
769     * <li><a href="#ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED">ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED</a></li>
770     * <li><a href="#UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM">UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM</a></li>
771     * <li><a href="#SASL_BIND_IN_PROGRESS">SASL_BIND_IN_PROGRESS</a></li>
772     * <li><a href="#STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED">STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED</a></li>
773     * <li><a href="#INVALID_CREDENTIALS">INVALID_CREDENTIALS</a></li>
778     * </ul>
779     */
780    private static final Set<ResultCodeEnum> BIND_CODES;
782    static
783    {
784        Set<ResultCodeEnum> set = new HashSet<>();
785        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.BUSY );
786        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.OTHER );
787        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.SUCCESS );
788        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.REFERRAL );
789        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.LOOP_DETECT );
790        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
791        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.PROTOCOL_ERROR );
792        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX );
793        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED );
794        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED );
795        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM );
796        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.SASL_BIND_IN_PROGRESS );
797        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED );
798        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_CREDENTIALS );
799        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.AUTH_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED );
800        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CONFIDENTIALITY_REQUIRED );
801        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INAPPROPRIATE_AUTHENTICATION );
802        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE_CRITICAL_EXTENSION );
803        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CANCELED );
804        BIND_CODES = Collections.unmodifiableSet( set );
805    }
807    /**
808     * A set of result code enumerations that may result from search operations.
809     * The set contains:
810     * <ul>
811     * <li><a href="#BUSY">BUSY</a></li>
812     * <li><a href="#OTHER">OTHER</a></li>
813     * <li><a href="#SUCCESS">SUCCESS</a></li>
814     * <li><a href="#REFERRAL">REFERRAL</a></li>
815     * <li><a href="#LOOP_DETECT">LOOP_DETECT</a></li>
816     * <li><a href="#UNAVAILABLE">UNAVAILABLE</a></li>
817     * <li><a href="#NO_SUCH_OBJECT">NO_SUCH_OBJECT</a></li>
818     * <li><a href="#ALIAS_PROBLEM">ALIAS_PROBLEM</a></li>
819     * <li><a href="#PROTOCOL_ERROR">PROTOCOL_ERROR</a></li>
820     * <li><a href="#INVALID_DN_SYNTAX">INVALID_DN_SYNTAX</a></li>
821     * <li><a href="#SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED">SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED</a></li>
822     * <li><a href="#TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED">TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED</a></li>
823     * <li><a href="#ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED">ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED</a></li>
824     * <li><a href="#STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED">STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED</a></li>
825     * <li><a href="#UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM">UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM</a></li>
831     * </ul>
832     */
833    private static final Set<ResultCodeEnum> SEARCH_CODES;
835    static
836    {
837        Set<ResultCodeEnum> set = new HashSet<>();
838        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.BUSY );
839        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.OTHER );
840        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.SUCCESS );
841        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.REFERRAL );
842        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.LOOP_DETECT );
843        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
844        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NO_SUCH_OBJECT );
845        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ALIAS_PROBLEM );
846        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.PROTOCOL_ERROR );
847        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX );
848        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED );
849        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED );
850        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED );
851        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED );
852        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM );
853        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INAPPROPRIATE_MATCHING );
854        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CONFIDENTIALITY_REQUIRED );
855        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_RIGHTS );
856        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ALIAS_DEREFERENCING_PROBLEM );
857        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE_CRITICAL_EXTENSION );
858        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CANCELED );
859        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.E_SYNC_REFRESH_REQUIRED );
860        SEARCH_CODES = Collections.unmodifiableSet( set );
861    }
863    /**
864     * A set of result code enumerations that may result from modify operations.
865     * The set contains:
866     * <ul>
867     * <li><a href="#BUSY">BUSY</a></li>
868     * <li><a href="#OTHER">OTHER</a></li>
869     * <li><a href="#SUCCESS">SUCCESS</a></li>
870     * <li><a href="#REFERRAL">REFERRAL</a></li>
871     * <li><a href="#LOOP_DETECT">LOOP_DETECT</a></li>
872     * <li><a href="#UNAVAILABLE">UNAVAILABLE</a></li>
873     * <li><a href="#NO_SUCH_OBJECT">NO_SUCH_OBJECT</a></li>
874     * <li><a href="#PROTOCOL_ERROR">PROTOCOL_ERROR</a></li>
875     * <li><a href="#INVALID_DN_SYNTAX">INVALID_DN_SYNTAX</a></li>
876     * <li><a href="#NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN">NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN</a></li>
877     * <li><a href="#NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE">NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE</a></li>
878     * <li><a href="#TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED">TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED</a></li>
879     * <li><a href="#ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED">ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED</a></li>
880     * <li><a href="#STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED">STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED</a></li>
881     * <li><a href="#UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM">UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM</a></li>
891     * </ul>
892     */
893    private static final Set<ResultCodeEnum> MODIFY_CODES;
895    static
896    {
897        Set<ResultCodeEnum> set = new HashSet<>();
898        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.BUSY );
899        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.OTHER );
900        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.SUCCESS );
901        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.REFERRAL );
902        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.LOOP_DETECT );
903        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
904        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NO_SUCH_OBJECT );
905        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.PROTOCOL_ERROR );
906        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX );
907        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN );
908        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE );
909        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED );
910        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED );
911        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED );
912        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM );
913        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION );
914        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION );
915        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX );
916        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNDEFINED_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE );
917        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ATTRIBUTE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS );
918        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CONFIDENTIALITY_REQUIRED );
919        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_RIGHTS );
920        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.OBJECT_CLASS_MODS_PROHIBITED );
921        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE_CRITICAL_EXTENSION );
922        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CANCELED );
923        MODIFY_CODES = Collections.unmodifiableSet( set );
924    }
926    /**
927     * A set of result code enumerations that may result from add operations.
928     * The set contains:
929     * <ul>
930     * <li><a href="#BUSY">BUSY</a></li>
931     * <li><a href="#OTHER">OTHER</a></li>
932     * <li><a href="#SUCCESS">SUCCESS</a></li>
933     * <li><a href="#REFERRAL">REFERRAL</a></li>
934     * <li><a href="#LOOP_DETECT">LOOP_DETECT</a></li>
935     * <li><a href="#UNAVAILABLE">UNAVAILABLE</a></li>
936     * <li><a href="#NO_SUCH_OBJECT">NO_SUCH_OBJECT</a></li>
937     * <li><a href="#PROTOCOL_ERROR">PROTOCOL_ERROR</a></li>
938     * <li><a href="#NAMING_VIOLATION">NAMING_VIOLATION</a></li>
939     * <li><a href="#INVALID_DN_SYNTAX">INVALID_DN_SYNTAX</a></li>
940     * <li><a href="#TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED">TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED</a></li>
941     * <li><a href="#ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED">ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED</a></li>
942     * <li><a href="#STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED">STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED</a></li>
943     * <li><a href="#UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM">UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM</a></li>
944     * <li><a href="#ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS">ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS</a></li>
953     * </ul>
954     */
955    private static final Set<ResultCodeEnum> ADD_CODES;
957    static
958    {
959        Set<ResultCodeEnum> set = new HashSet<>();
960        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.BUSY );
961        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.OTHER );
962        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.SUCCESS );
963        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.REFERRAL );
964        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.LOOP_DETECT );
965        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
966        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NO_SUCH_OBJECT );
967        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.PROTOCOL_ERROR );
968        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NAMING_VIOLATION );
969        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX );
970        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED );
971        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED );
972        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED );
973        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM );
974        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS );
975        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION );
976        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION );
977        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX );
978        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ATTRIBUTE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS );
979        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNDEFINED_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE );
980        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CONFIDENTIALITY_REQUIRED );
981        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_RIGHTS );
982        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE_CRITICAL_EXTENSION );
983        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CANCELED );
984        ADD_CODES = Collections.unmodifiableSet( set );
985    }
987    /**
988     * A set of result code enumerations that may result from delete operations.
989     * The set may contain:
990     * <ul>
991     * <li><a href="#BUSY">BUSY</a></li>
992     * <li><a href="#OTHER">OTHER</a></li>
993     * <li><a href="#SUCCESS">SUCCESS</a></li>
994     * <li><a href="#REFERRAL">REFERRAL</a></li>
995     * <li><a href="#LOOP_DETECT">LOOP_DETECT</a></li>
996     * <li><a href="#UNAVAILABLE">UNAVAILABLE</a></li>
997     * <li><a href="#NO_SUCH_OBJECT">NO_SUCH_OBJECT</a></li>
998     * <li><a href="#PROTOCOL_ERROR">PROTOCOL_ERROR</a></li>
999     * <li><a href="#INVALID_DN_SYNTAX">INVALID_DN_SYNTAX</a></li>
1000     * <li><a href="#TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED">TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED</a></li>
1001     * <li><a href="#ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED">ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED</a></li>
1002     * <li><a href="#STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED">STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED</a></li>
1003     * <li><a href="#UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM">UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM</a></li>
1004     * <li><a href="#NOT_ALLOWED_ON_NON_LEAF">NOT_ALLOWED_ON_NON_LEAF</a></li>
1008     * </ul>
1009     */
1010    private static final Set<ResultCodeEnum> DELETE_CODES;
1012    static
1013    {
1014        Set<ResultCodeEnum> set = new HashSet<>();
1015        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.BUSY );
1016        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.OTHER );
1017        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.SUCCESS );
1018        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.REFERRAL );
1019        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.LOOP_DETECT );
1020        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
1021        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NO_SUCH_OBJECT );
1022        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.PROTOCOL_ERROR );
1023        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX );
1024        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED );
1025        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED );
1026        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED );
1027        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM );
1028        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NOT_ALLOWED_ON_NON_LEAF );
1029        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CONFIDENTIALITY_REQUIRED );
1030        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_RIGHTS );
1031        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE_CRITICAL_EXTENSION );
1032        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CANCELED );
1033        DELETE_CODES = Collections.unmodifiableSet( set );
1034    }
1036    /**
1037     * A set of result code enumerations resulting from modifyDn operations. The
1038     * set contains:
1039     * <ul>
1040     * <li><a href="#BUSY">BUSY</a></li>
1041     * <li><a href="#OTHER">OTHER</a></li>
1042     * <li><a href="#SUCCESS">SUCCESS</a></li>
1043     * <li><a href="#REFERRAL">REFERRAL</a></li>
1044     * <li><a href="#LOOP_DETECT">LOOP_DETECT</a></li>
1045     * <li><a href="#UNAVAILABLE">UNAVAILABLE</a></li>
1046     * <li><a href="#NO_SUCH_OBJECT">NO_SUCH_OBJECT</a></li>
1047     * <li><a href="#PROTOCOL_ERROR">PROTOCOL_ERROR</a></li>
1048     * <li><a href="#INVALID_DN_SYNTAX">INVALID_DN_SYNTAX</a></li>
1049     * <li><a href="#NAMING_VIOLATION">NAMING_VIOLATION</a></li>
1050     * <li><a href="#TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED">TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED</a></li>
1051     * <li><a href="#ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS">ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS</a></li>
1052     * <li><a href="#ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED">ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED</a></li>
1053     * <li><a href="#STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED">STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED</a></li>
1054     * <li><a href="#UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM">UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM</a></li>
1055     * <li><a href="#NOT_ALLOWED_ON_NON_LEAF">NOT_ALLOWED_ON_NON_LEAF</a></li>
1056     * <li><a href="#AFFECTS_MULTIPLE_DSAS">AFFECTS_MULTIPLE_DSAS</a></li>
1057     * <li><a href="#CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION">CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION</a></li>
1058     * <li><a href="#OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION">OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION</a></li>
1062     * </ul>
1063     */
1064    private static final Set<ResultCodeEnum> MODIFYDN_CODES;
1066    static
1067    {
1068        Set<ResultCodeEnum> set = new HashSet<>();
1069        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.BUSY );
1070        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.OTHER );
1071        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.SUCCESS );
1072        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.REFERRAL );
1073        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.LOOP_DETECT );
1074        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
1075        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NO_SUCH_OBJECT );
1076        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.PROTOCOL_ERROR );
1077        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX );
1078        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NAMING_VIOLATION );
1079        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED );
1080        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS );
1081        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED );
1082        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED );
1083        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM );
1084        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NOT_ALLOWED_ON_NON_LEAF );
1085        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.AFFECTS_MULTIPLE_DSAS );
1086        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION );
1087        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION );
1088        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CONFIDENTIALITY_REQUIRED );
1089        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_RIGHTS );
1090        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE_CRITICAL_EXTENSION );
1091        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CANCELED );
1092        MODIFYDN_CODES = Collections.unmodifiableSet( set );
1093    }
1095    /**
1096     * A set of result code enumerations that may result from compare
1097     * operations. The set contains:
1098     * <ul>
1099     * <li><a href="#OPERATIONSERROR">OPERATIONSERROR</a></li>
1100     * <li><a href="#PROTOCOL_ERROR">PROTOCOL_ERROR</a></li>
1101     * <li><a href="#TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED">TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED</a></li>
1102     * <li><a href="#COMPAREFALSE">COMPAREFALSE</a></li>
1103     * <li><a href="#COMPARETRUE">COMPARETRUE</a></li>
1104     * <li><a href="#STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED">STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED</a></li>
1105     * <li><a href="#ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED">ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED</a></li>
1108     * <li><a href="#NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE">NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE</a></li>
1110     * <li><a href="#NO_SUCH_OBJECT">NO_SUCH_OBJECT</a></li>
1111     * <li><a href="#INVALID_DN_SYNTAX">INVALID_DN_SYNTAX</a></li>
1113     * <li><a href="#BUSY">BUSY</a></li>
1114     * <li><a href="#UNAVAILABLE">UNAVAILABLE</a></li>
1115     * <li><a href="#UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM">UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM</a></li>
1116     * <li><a href="#LOOP_DETECT">LOOP_DETECT</a></li>
1117     * <li><a href="#REFERRAL">REFERRAL</a></li>
1118     * <li><a href="#OTHER">OTHER</a></li>
1119     * </ul>
1120     */
1121    private static final Set<ResultCodeEnum> COMPARE_CODES;
1123    static
1124    {
1125        Set<ResultCodeEnum> set = new HashSet<>();
1126        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.OPERATIONS_ERROR );
1127        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.PROTOCOL_ERROR );
1128        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED );
1129        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.COMPARE_FALSE );
1130        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.COMPARE_TRUE );
1131        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED );
1132        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED );
1133        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE_CRITICAL_EXTENSION );
1134        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CONFIDENTIALITY_REQUIRED );
1135        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE );
1136        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX );
1137        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NO_SUCH_OBJECT );
1138        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX );
1139        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_RIGHTS );
1140        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.BUSY );
1141        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
1142        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM );
1143        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.LOOP_DETECT );
1144        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.REFERRAL );
1145        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.OTHER );
1146        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CANCELED );
1147        COMPARE_CODES = Collections.unmodifiableSet( set );
1148    }
1150    /**
1151     * A set of result code enumerations that could result from extended
1152     * operations. The set contains:
1153     * <ul>
1154     * <li></li>
1155     * <li><a href="#SUCCESS">SUCCESS</a></li>
1156     * <li><a href="#OPERATIONSERROR">OPERATIONSERROR</a></li>
1157     * <li><a href="#PROTOCOL_ERROR">PROTOCOL_ERROR</a></li>
1158     * <li><a href="#TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED">TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED</a></li>
1159     * <li><a href="#SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED">SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED</a></li>
1160     * <li><a href="#COMPAREFALSE">COMPAREFALSE</a></li>
1161     * <li><a href="#COMPARETRUE">COMPARETRUE</a></li>
1163     * <li><a href="#STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED">STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED</a></li>
1164     * <li><a href="#REFERRAL">REFERRAL</a></li>
1165     * <li><a href="#ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED">ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED</a></li>
1168     * <li><a href="#SASL_BIND_IN_PROGRESS">SASL_BIND_IN_PROGRESS</a></li>
1169     * <li><a href="#NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE">NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE</a></li>
1172     * <li><a href="#CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION">CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION</a></li>
1175     * <li><a href="#NO_SUCH_OBJECT">NO_SUCH_OBJECT</a></li>
1176     * <li><a href="#ALIAS_PROBLEM">ALIAS_PROBLEM</a></li>
1177     * <li><a href="#INVALID_DN_SYNTAX">INVALID_DN_SYNTAX</a></li>
1180     * <li><a href="#INVALID_CREDENTIALS">INVALID_CREDENTIALS</a></li>
1182     * <li><a href="#BUSY">BUSY</a></li>
1183     * <li><a href="#UNAVAILABLE">UNAVAILABLE</a></li>
1184     * <li><a href="#UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM">UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM</a></li>
1185     * <li><a href="#LOOP_DETECT">LOOP_DETECT</a></li>
1186     * <li><a href="#NAMING_VIOLATION">NAMING_VIOLATION</a></li>
1187     * <li><a href="#OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION">OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION</a></li>
1188     * <li><a href="#NOT_ALLOWED_ON_NON_LEAF">NOT_ALLOWED_ON_NON_LEAF</a></li>
1189     * <li><a href="#NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN">NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN</a></li>
1190     * <li><a href="#ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS">ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS</a></li>
1192     * <li><a href="#AFFECTS_MULTIPLE_DSAS">AFFECTS_MULTIPLE_DSAS</a></li>
1193     * <li><a href="#OTHER">OTHER</a></li>
1194     * </ul>
1195     */
1196    private static final Set<ResultCodeEnum> EXTENDED_CODES;
1198    static
1199    {
1200        Set<ResultCodeEnum> set = new HashSet<>();
1201        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.SUCCESS );
1202        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.OPERATIONS_ERROR );
1203        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.PROTOCOL_ERROR );
1204        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED );
1205        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED );
1206        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.COMPARE_FALSE );
1207        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.COMPARE_TRUE );
1208        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.AUTH_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED );
1209        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED );
1210        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.REFERRAL );
1211        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED );
1212        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE_CRITICAL_EXTENSION );
1213        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CONFIDENTIALITY_REQUIRED );
1214        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.SASL_BIND_IN_PROGRESS );
1215        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE );
1216        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNDEFINED_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE );
1217        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INAPPROPRIATE_MATCHING );
1218        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION );
1219        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ATTRIBUTE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS );
1220        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX );
1221        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NO_SUCH_OBJECT );
1222        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ALIAS_PROBLEM );
1223        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX );
1224        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ALIAS_DEREFERENCING_PROBLEM );
1225        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INAPPROPRIATE_AUTHENTICATION );
1226        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_CREDENTIALS );
1227        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_RIGHTS );
1228        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.BUSY );
1229        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
1230        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM );
1231        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.LOOP_DETECT );
1232        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NAMING_VIOLATION );
1233        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION );
1234        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NOT_ALLOWED_ON_NON_LEAF );
1235        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN );
1236        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS );
1237        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.OBJECT_CLASS_MODS_PROHIBITED );
1238        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.AFFECTS_MULTIPLE_DSAS );
1239        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.OTHER );
1240        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CANCELED );
1241        EXTENDED_CODES = Collections.unmodifiableSet( set );
1242    }
1243    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1244    // Getting Result Code Enumeration Object Using Integer Values
1245    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1246    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1247    // JNDI Exception to ResultCodeEnum Mappings
1248    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1250    /**
1251     * A set of ResultCodes containing those that may correspond to NamingException.
1252     * <ul>
1253     * <li><a href="#OPERATIONSERROR">operationsError(1)</a></li>
1254     * <li><a href="#ALIAS_PROBLEM">aliasProblem(33)</a></li>
1255     * <li><a href="#ALIAS_DEREFERENCING_PROBLEM">aliasDereferencingProblem(36)</a></li>
1256     * <li><a href="#LOOP_DETECT">loopDetect(54)</a></li>
1257     * <li><a href="#AFFECTS_MULTIPLE_DSAS">affectsMultipleDSAs(71)</a></li>
1258     * <li><a href="#OTHER">other(80)</a></li>
1259     * </ul>
1260     */
1261    private static final Set<ResultCodeEnum> NAMING_EXCEPTION_CODES;
1263    static
1264    {
1265        Set<ResultCodeEnum> set = new HashSet<>();
1266        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.OPERATIONS_ERROR );
1267        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ALIAS_PROBLEM );
1268        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ALIAS_DEREFERENCING_PROBLEM );
1269        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.LOOP_DETECT );
1270        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.AFFECTS_MULTIPLE_DSAS );
1271        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.OTHER );
1272        NAMING_EXCEPTION_CODES = Collections.unmodifiableSet( set );
1273    }
1275    /**
1276     * A set of ResultCodes containing those that may correspond to a
1277     * {@link Exception}.
1278     * <ul>
1279     * <li><a href="#AUTH_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED">authMethodNotSupported(7)</a></li>
1280     * <li><a href="#STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED">strongAuthRequired(8)</a></li>
1281     * <li><a href="#CONFIDENTIALITY_REQUIRED">confidentialityRequired(13)</a></li>
1282     * <li><a
1283     * href="#INAPPROPRIATE_AUTHENTICATION">inappropriateAuthentication(48)</a></li>
1284     * </ul>
1285     */
1286    private static final Set<ResultCodeEnum> AUTHENTICATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_EXCEPTION_CODES;
1288    static
1289    {
1290        Set<ResultCodeEnum> set = new HashSet<>();
1291        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.AUTH_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED );
1292        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED );
1293        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CONFIDENTIALITY_REQUIRED );
1294        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INAPPROPRIATE_AUTHENTICATION );
1295        AUTHENTICATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_EXCEPTION_CODES = Collections.unmodifiableSet( set );
1296    }
1298    /**
1299     * A set of ResultCodes containing those that may correspond to a
1300     * {@link Exception}.
1301     * <ul>
1302     * <li><a href="#BUSY">busy(51)</a></li>
1303     * <li><a href="#UNAVAILABLE">unavailable(52)</a></li>
1304     * </ul>
1305     */
1306    private static final Set<ResultCodeEnum> SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE_CODES;
1308    static
1309    {
1310        Set<ResultCodeEnum> set = new HashSet<>();
1311        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.BUSY );
1312        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
1313        SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE_CODES = Collections.unmodifiableSet( set );
1314    }
1316    /**
1317     * A set of ResultCodes containing those that may correspond to a
1318     * {@link Exception}.
1319     * <ul>
1320     * <li><a href="#CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION">constraintViolation(19)</a></li>
1321     * <li><a href="#INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX">invalidAttributeSyntax(21)</a></li>
1322     * </ul>
1323     */
1324    private static final Set<ResultCodeEnum> INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_EXCEPTION_CODES;
1326    static
1327    {
1328        Set<ResultCodeEnum> set = new HashSet<>();
1329        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION );
1330        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX );
1331        INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_EXCEPTION_CODES = Collections.unmodifiableSet( set );
1332    }
1335    /**
1336     * A set of ResultCodes containing those that may correspond to a
1337     * {@link Exception}.
1338     * <ul>
1339     * <li><a href="#PARTIAL_RESULTS">partialResults(9)</a></li>
1340     * <li><a href="#REFERRAL">referral(10)</a></li>
1341     * </ul>
1342     */
1343    private static final Set<ResultCodeEnum> PARTIAL_RESULTS_EXCEPTION_CODES;
1345    static
1346    {
1347        Set<ResultCodeEnum> set = new HashSet<>();
1348        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.PARTIAL_RESULTS );
1349        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.REFERRAL );
1350        PARTIAL_RESULTS_EXCEPTION_CODES = Collections.unmodifiableSet( set );
1351    }
1353    /**
1354     * A set of ResultCodes containing those that may correspond to a
1355     * {@link Exception}.
1356     * <ul>
1357     * <li><a href="#REFERRAL">referal(9)</a></li>
1358     * <li><a href="#ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED">adminLimitExceeded(11)</a></li>
1359     * </ul>
1360     */
1361    private static final Set<ResultCodeEnum> LIMIT_EXCEEDED_EXCEPTION_CODES;
1363    static
1364    {
1365        Set<ResultCodeEnum> set = new HashSet<>();
1366        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.REFERRAL );
1367        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED );
1368        LIMIT_EXCEEDED_EXCEPTION_CODES = Collections.unmodifiableSet( set );
1369    }
1371    /**
1372     * A set of ResultCodes containing those that may correspond to a
1373     * {@link Exception}.
1374     * <ul>
1375     * <li><a
1376     * href="#UNAVAILABLECRITICALEXTENTION">unavailableCriticalExtention(12)</a></li>
1377     * <li><a href="#UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM">unwillingToPerform(53)</a></li>
1378     * </ul>
1379     */
1380    private static final Set<ResultCodeEnum> OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_EXCEPTION_CODES;
1382    static
1383    {
1384        Set<ResultCodeEnum> set = new HashSet<>();
1385        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE_CRITICAL_EXTENSION );
1386        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM );
1387        OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_EXCEPTION_CODES = Collections.unmodifiableSet( set );
1388    }
1390    /**
1391     * A set of ResultCodes containing those that may correspond to a
1392     * {@link Exception}.
1393     * <ul>
1394     * <li><a href="#INVALID_DN_SYNTAX">invalidDNSyntax(34)</a></li>
1395     * <li><a href="#NAMING_VIOLATION">namingViolation(64)</a></li>
1396     * </ul>
1397     */
1398    private static final Set<ResultCodeEnum> INVALID_NAME_EXCEPTION_CODES;
1400    static
1401    {
1402        Set<ResultCodeEnum> set = new HashSet<>();
1403        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX );
1404        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NAMING_VIOLATION );
1405        INVALID_NAME_EXCEPTION_CODES = Collections.unmodifiableSet( set );
1406    }
1408    /**
1409     * A set of ResultCodes containing those that may correspond to a
1410     * {@link javax.naming.directory.SchemaViolationException}.
1411     * <ul>
1412     * <li><a href="#OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION">objectClassViolation(65)</a></li>
1413     * <li><a href="#NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN">notAllowedOnRDN(67)</a></li>
1414     * <li><a href="#OBJECT_CLASS_MODS_PROHIBITED">objectClassModsProhibited(69)</a></li>
1415     * </ul>
1416     */
1417    private static final Set<ResultCodeEnum> SCHEMA_VIOLATION_EXCEPTION_CODES;
1419    static
1420    {
1421        Set<ResultCodeEnum> set = new HashSet<>();
1422        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION );
1423        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN );
1424        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.OBJECT_CLASS_MODS_PROHIBITED );
1425        SCHEMA_VIOLATION_EXCEPTION_CODES = Collections.unmodifiableSet( set );
1426    }
1429    /**
1430     * Private construct so no other instances can be created other than the
1431     * public static constants in this class.
1432     * 
1433     * @param value the integer value of the enumeration.
1434     * @param message the description of the enumeration.
1435     */
1436    ResultCodeEnum( int value, String message )
1437    {
1438        this.value = value;
1439        this.message = message;
1440    }
1443    /**
1444     * @return The integer associated with the result code
1445     */
1446    public int getResultCode()
1447    {
1448        return value;
1449    }
1452    /**
1453     * Gets the ResultCode enum from its integer value
1454     * 
1455     * @param value the ResultCode numneric value
1456     * @return The integer associated with the result code
1457     */
1458    public static ResultCodeEnum getResultCode( int value )
1459    {
1460        switch ( value )
1461        {
1462            case 0:
1463                return SUCCESS;
1464            case 1:
1465                return OPERATIONS_ERROR;
1466            case 2:
1467                return PROTOCOL_ERROR;
1468            case 3:
1469                return TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED;
1470            case 4:
1471                return SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED;
1472            case 5:
1473                return COMPARE_FALSE;
1474            case 6:
1475                return COMPARE_TRUE;
1476            case 7:
1477                return AUTH_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED;
1478            case 8:
1479                return STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED;
1480            case 9:
1481                return PARTIAL_RESULTS;
1482            case 10:
1483                return REFERRAL;
1484            case 11:
1485                return ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED;
1486            case 12:
1487                return UNAVAILABLE_CRITICAL_EXTENSION;
1488            case 13:
1489                return CONFIDENTIALITY_REQUIRED;
1490            case 14:
1491                return SASL_BIND_IN_PROGRESS;
1492            case 16:
1493                return NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE;
1494            case 17:
1495                return UNDEFINED_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE;
1496            case 18:
1497                return INAPPROPRIATE_MATCHING;
1498            case 19:
1499                return CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION;
1500            case 20:
1501                return ATTRIBUTE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS;
1502            case 21:
1503                return INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX;
1504            case 32:
1505                return NO_SUCH_OBJECT;
1506            case 33:
1507                return ALIAS_PROBLEM;
1508            case 34:
1509                return INVALID_DN_SYNTAX;
1510            case 35:
1511                return UNKNOWN;
1512            case 36:
1513                return ALIAS_DEREFERENCING_PROBLEM;
1514            case 48:
1515                return INAPPROPRIATE_AUTHENTICATION;
1516            case 49:
1517                return INVALID_CREDENTIALS;
1518            case 50:
1519                return INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_RIGHTS;
1520            case 51:
1521                return BUSY;
1522            case 52:
1523                return UNAVAILABLE;
1524            case 53:
1525                return UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM;
1526            case 54:
1527                return LOOP_DETECT;
1528            case 64:
1529                return NAMING_VIOLATION;
1530            case 65:
1531                return OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION;
1532            case 66:
1533                return NOT_ALLOWED_ON_NON_LEAF;
1534            case 67:
1535                return NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN;
1536            case 68:
1537                return ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS;
1538            case 69:
1539                return OBJECT_CLASS_MODS_PROHIBITED;
1540            case 71:
1541                return AFFECTS_MULTIPLE_DSAS;
1542            case 80:
1543                return OTHER;
1544            case 118:
1545                return CANCELED;
1546            case 119:
1547                return NO_SUCH_OPERATION;
1548            case 120:
1549                return TOO_LATE;
1550            case 121:
1551                return CANNOT_CANCEL;
1552            case 4096:
1553                return E_SYNC_REFRESH_REQUIRED;
1554            default:
1555                return UNKNOWN;
1556        }
1557    }
1561    /**
1562     * @return The value associated with the current element.
1563     */
1564    public int getValue()
1565    {
1566        return value;
1567    }
1570    /**
1571     * @return The description associated with the current element.
1572     */
1573    public String getMessage()
1574    {
1575        return message;
1576    }
1579    /**
1580     * Takes a guess at the result code to use if it cannot figure it out from
1581     * known Throwable to result code mappings. Some however are ambiguous
1582     * mapping the same Throwable to multiple codes. If no code can be resolved
1583     * then {@link ResultCodeEnum#OTHER} is returned.
1584     * 
1585     * @param t
1586     *            the throwable to estimate a result code for
1587     * @param type
1588     *            the type of operation being performed
1589     * @return the result code or a good estimate of one
1590     */
1591    public static ResultCodeEnum getBestEstimate( Throwable t, MessageTypeEnum type )
1592    {
1593        Set<ResultCodeEnum> set = getResultCodes( t );
1595        if ( set.isEmpty() )
1596        {
1597            return ResultCodeEnum.OTHER;
1598        }
1600        if ( set.size() == 1 )
1601        {
1602            return set.iterator().next();
1603        }
1605        if ( type == null )
1606        {
1607            Set<ResultCodeEnum> tmp = new HashSet<>();
1608            tmp.addAll( set );
1609            tmp.removeAll( NON_ERRONEOUS_CODES );
1611            if ( tmp.isEmpty() )
1612            {
1613                return ResultCodeEnum.OTHER;
1614            }
1616            return tmp.iterator().next();
1617        }
1619        Set<ResultCodeEnum> candidates;
1621        switch ( type )
1622        {
1623            case ABANDON_REQUEST:
1624                return set.iterator().next();
1626            case ADD_REQUEST:
1627                candidates = intersection( set, ADD_CODES );
1628                break;
1630            case ADD_RESPONSE:
1631                candidates = intersection( set, ADD_CODES );
1632                break;
1634            case BIND_REQUEST:
1635                candidates = intersection( set, BIND_CODES );
1636                break;
1638            case BIND_RESPONSE:
1639                candidates = intersection( set, BIND_CODES );
1640                break;
1642            case COMPARE_REQUEST:
1643                candidates = intersection( set, COMPARE_CODES );
1644                break;
1646            case COMPARE_RESPONSE:
1647                candidates = intersection( set, COMPARE_CODES );
1648                break;
1650            case DEL_REQUEST:
1651                candidates = intersection( set, DELETE_CODES );
1652                break;
1654            case DEL_RESPONSE:
1655                candidates = intersection( set, DELETE_CODES );
1656                break;
1658            case EXTENDED_REQUEST:
1659                candidates = intersection( set, EXTENDED_CODES );
1660                break;
1662            case EXTENDED_RESPONSE:
1663                candidates = intersection( set, EXTENDED_CODES );
1664                break;
1666            case MODIFYDN_REQUEST:
1667                candidates = intersection( set, MODIFYDN_CODES );
1668                break;
1670            case MODIFYDN_RESPONSE:
1671                candidates = intersection( set, MODIFYDN_CODES );
1672                break;
1674            case MODIFY_REQUEST:
1675                candidates = intersection( set, MODIFY_CODES );
1676                break;
1678            case MODIFY_RESPONSE:
1679                candidates = intersection( set, MODIFY_CODES );
1680                break;
1682            case SEARCH_REQUEST:
1683                candidates = intersection( set, SEARCH_CODES );
1684                break;
1686            case SEARCH_RESULT_DONE:
1687                candidates = intersection( set, SEARCH_CODES );
1688                break;
1690            case SEARCH_RESULT_ENTRY:
1691                candidates = intersection( set, SEARCH_CODES );
1692                break;
1694            case SEARCH_RESULT_REFERENCE:
1695                candidates = intersection( set, SEARCH_CODES );
1696                break;
1698            case UNBIND_REQUEST:
1699                return set.iterator().next();
1701            case INTERMEDIATE_RESPONSE:
1702                candidates = intersection( set, SEARCH_CODES );
1703                break;
1705            default:
1706                throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unexpected MessageTypeEnum " + type );
1707        }
1709        // we don't want any codes that do not have anything to do w/ errors
1710        candidates.removeAll( NON_ERRONEOUS_CODES );
1712        if ( candidates.isEmpty() )
1713        {
1714            return ResultCodeEnum.OTHER;
1715        }
1717        return candidates.iterator().next();
1718    }
1721    private static Set<ResultCodeEnum> intersection( Set<ResultCodeEnum> s1, Set<ResultCodeEnum> s2 )
1722    {
1723        if ( s1.isEmpty() || s2.isEmpty() )
1724        {
1725            return new HashSet<>();
1726        }
1728        Set<ResultCodeEnum> intersection = new HashSet<>();
1730        if ( s1.size() <= s2.size() )
1731        {
1732            for ( ResultCodeEnum item : s1 )
1733            {
1734                if ( s2.contains( item ) )
1735                {
1736                    intersection.add( item );
1737                }
1738            }
1739        }
1740        else
1741        {
1742            for ( ResultCodeEnum item : s2 )
1743            {
1744                if ( s1.contains( item ) )
1745                {
1746                    intersection.add( item );
1747                }
1748            }
1749        }
1751        return intersection;
1752    }
1755    /**
1756     * Gets the set of result codes a Throwable may map to. If the throwable
1757     * does not map to any result code at all an empty set is returned. The
1758     * following Throwables and their subclasses map to result codes:
1759     * 
1760     * <pre>
1761     * 
1762     *  Unambiguous Exceptions
1763     *  ======================
1764     * 
1765     *  CommunicationException              ==&gt; operationsError(1)
1766     *  TimeLimitExceededException          ==&gt; timeLimitExceeded(3)
1767     *  SizeLimitExceededException          ==&gt; sizeLimitExceeded(4)
1768     *  AuthenticationException             ==&gt; invalidCredentials(49)
1769     *  NoPermissionException               ==&gt; insufficientAccessRights(50)
1770     *  NoSuchAttributeException            ==&gt; noSuchAttribute(16)
1771     *  InvalidAttributeIdentifierException ==&gt; undefinedAttributeType(17)
1772     *  InvalidSearchFilterException        ==&gt; inappropriateMatching(18)
1773     *  AttributeInUseException             ==&gt; attributeOrValueExists(20)
1774     *  NameNotFoundException               ==&gt; NO_SUCH_OBJECT(32)
1775     *  NameAlreadyBoundException           ==&gt; entryAlreadyExists(68)
1776     *  ContextNotEmptyException            ==&gt; notAllowedOnNonLeaf(66)
1777     * 
1778     * 
1779     *  Ambiguous Exceptions
1780     *  ====================
1781     * 
1782     *  NamingException
1783     *  ---------------
1784     *  operationsError(1)
1785     *  aliasProblem(33)
1786     *  aliasDereferencingProblem(36)
1787     *  loopDetect(54)
1788     *  affectsMultipleDSAs(71)
1789     *  other(80)
1790     * 
1791     *  AuthenticationNotSupportedException
1792     *  -----------------------------------
1793     *  authMethodNotSupported (7)
1794     *  strongAuthRequired (8)
1795     *  confidentialityRequired (13)
1796     *  inappropriateAuthentication(48)
1797     * 
1798     *  ServiceUnavailableException
1799     *  ---------------------------
1800     *  busy(51)
1801     *  unavailable(52)
1802     * 
1803     *  InvalidAttributeValueException
1804     *  ------------------------------
1805     *  constraintViolation(19)
1806     *  invalidAttributeSyntax(21)
1807     * 
1808     *  PartialResultException
1809     *  ----------------------
1810     *  partialResults(9)
1811     *  referral(10)
1812     * 
1813     *  LimitExceededException
1814     *  ----------------------
1815     *  referal(9)
1816     *  adminLimitExceeded(11)
1817     * 
1818     *  OperationNotSupportedException
1819     *  ------------------------------
1820     *  unavailableCriticalExtention(12)
1821     *  unwillingToPerform(53)
1822     * 
1823     *  InvalidNameException
1824     *  --------------------
1825     *  invalidDNSyntax(34)
1826     *  namingViolation(64)
1827     * 
1828     *  SchemaViolationException
1829     *  ------------------------
1830     *  objectClassViolation(65)
1831     *  notAllowedOnRDN(67)
1832     *  objectClassModsProhibited(69)
1833     * 
1834     * </pre>
1835     * 
1836     * @param t
1837     *            the Throwable to find the result code mappings for
1838     * @return the set of mapped result codes
1839     */
1840    private static Set<ResultCodeEnum> getResultCodes( Throwable t )
1841    {
1842        ResultCodeEnum rc = getResultCode( t );
1843        if ( rc != null )
1844        {
1845            return Collections.singleton( rc );
1846        }
1848        if ( t instanceof LdapSchemaViolationException )
1849        {
1851        }
1853        if ( t instanceof LdapInvalidDnException )
1854        {
1855            return INVALID_NAME_EXCEPTION_CODES;
1856        }
1858        if ( t instanceof LdapUnwillingToPerformException )
1859        {
1861        }
1863        if ( t instanceof LimitExceededException )
1864        {
1865            return LIMIT_EXCEEDED_EXCEPTION_CODES;
1866        }
1868        if ( t instanceof PartialResultException )
1869        {
1871        }
1873        if ( t instanceof LdapInvalidAttributeValueException )
1874        {
1876        }
1878        if ( t instanceof LdapServiceUnavailableException )
1879        {
1880            return SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE_CODES;
1881        }
1883        if ( t instanceof LdapAuthenticationNotSupportedException )
1884        {
1886        }
1888        // keep this last because others are subtypes and thier evaluation
1889        // may be shorted otherwise by this comparison here
1890        if ( t instanceof LdapException )
1891        {
1892            return NAMING_EXCEPTION_CODES;
1893        }
1895        return EMPTY_RESULT_CODE_SET;
1896    }
1899    /**
1900     * Gets an LDAP result code from a Throwable if it can resolve it
1901     * unambiguously or returns null if it cannot resolve the exception to a
1902     * single ResultCode. If the Throwable is an instance of LdapException this
1903     * is already done for us, otherwise we use the following mapping:
1904     * 
1905     * <pre>
1906     * 
1907     *  Unambiguous Exceptions
1908     *  ======================
1909     * 
1910     *  CommunicationException              ==&gt; operationsError(1)
1911     *  TimeLimitExceededException          ==&gt; timeLimitExceeded(3)
1912     *  SizeLimitExceededException          ==&gt; sizeLimitExceeded(4)
1913     *  AuthenticationException             ==&gt; invalidCredentials(49)
1914     *  NoPermissionException               ==&gt; insufficientAccessRights(50)
1915     *  NoSuchAttributeException            ==&gt; noSuchAttribute(16)
1916     *  InvalidAttributeIdentifierException ==&gt; undefinedAttributeType(17)
1917     *  InvalidSearchFilterException        ==&gt; inappropriateMatching(18)
1918     *  AttributeInUseException             ==&gt; attributeOrValueExists(20)
1919     *  NameNotFoundException               ==&gt; NO_SUCH_OBJECT(32)
1920     *  NameAlreadyBoundException           ==&gt; entryAlreadyExists(68)
1921     *  ContextNotEmptyException            ==&gt; notAllowedOnNonLeaf(66)
1922     * </pre>
1923     * 
1924     * If we cannot find a mapping then null is returned.
1925     * 
1926     * @param t The exception for which we need a ResultCodeEnum
1927     * @return The ResultCodeEnum associated wit the given exception 
1928     */
1929    public static ResultCodeEnum getResultCode( Throwable t )
1930    {
1931        if ( t instanceof LdapOperationException )
1932        {
1933            return ( ( LdapOperationException ) t ).getResultCode();
1934        }
1936        if ( t instanceof CommunicationException )
1937        {
1938            return ResultCodeEnum.PROTOCOL_ERROR;
1939        }
1941        if ( t instanceof LdapTimeLimitExceededException )
1942        {
1943            return ResultCodeEnum.TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED;
1944        }
1946        if ( t instanceof SizeLimitExceededException )
1947        {
1948            return ResultCodeEnum.SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED;
1949        }
1951        if ( t instanceof LdapAuthenticationException )
1952        {
1953            return ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_CREDENTIALS;
1954        }
1956        if ( t instanceof LdapNoPermissionException )
1957        {
1958            return ResultCodeEnum.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_RIGHTS;
1959        }
1961        if ( t instanceof LdapNoSuchAttributeException )
1962        {
1963            return ResultCodeEnum.NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE;
1964        }
1966        if ( t instanceof LdapInvalidAttributeTypeException )
1967        {
1968            return ResultCodeEnum.UNDEFINED_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE;
1969        }
1971        if ( t instanceof LdapInvalidSearchFilterException )
1972        {
1973            return ResultCodeEnum.INAPPROPRIATE_MATCHING;
1974        }
1976        if ( t instanceof LdapAttributeInUseException )
1977        {
1978            return ResultCodeEnum.ATTRIBUTE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS;
1979        }
1981        if ( t instanceof LdapNoSuchObjectException )
1982        {
1983            return ResultCodeEnum.NO_SUCH_OBJECT;
1984        }
1986        if ( t instanceof LdapEntryAlreadyExistsException )
1987        {
1988            return ResultCodeEnum.ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS;
1989        }
1991        if ( t instanceof LdapContextNotEmptyException )
1992        {
1993            return ResultCodeEnum.NOT_ALLOWED_ON_NON_LEAF;
1994        }
1996        return null;
1997    }
2000    /**
2001     * Process the response, throwing the associated exception if needed. If the result
2002     * was SUCCESS, does not return anything but true. 
2003     * 
2004     * @param response The response to process
2005     * @return For the COMPARE_TRUE or COMPARE_FALSE results, return true or false
2006     * @throws LdapException The associated exception
2007     */
2008    public static boolean processResponse( ResultResponse response ) throws LdapException
2009    {
2010        LdapResult ldapResult = response.getLdapResult();
2012        switch ( ldapResult.getResultCode() )
2013        {
2014        // Not erroneous code
2015            case SUCCESS:
2016            case PARTIAL_RESULTS:
2017            case REFERRAL:
2018            case SASL_BIND_IN_PROGRESS:
2019            case CANCELED:
2020            case COMPARE_TRUE:
2021                return true;
2023            case COMPARE_FALSE:
2024                return false;
2026            case INVALID_CREDENTIALS:
2027                LdapAuthenticationException authenticationException = new LdapAuthenticationException(
2028                    ldapResult.getDiagnosticMessage() );
2029                authenticationException.setResolvedDn( ldapResult.getMatchedDn() );
2031                throw authenticationException;
2033            case UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM:
2035                LdapUnwillingToPerformException unwillingToPerformException =
2036                    new LdapUnwillingToPerformException( ldapResult.getResultCode(), ldapResult.getDiagnosticMessage() );
2037                unwillingToPerformException.setResolvedDn( ldapResult.getMatchedDn() );
2039                throw unwillingToPerformException;
2041            case INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_RIGHTS:
2042                LdapNoPermissionException ldapNoPermissionException = new LdapNoPermissionException(
2043                    ldapResult.getDiagnosticMessage() );
2044                ldapNoPermissionException.setResolvedDn( ldapResult.getMatchedDn() );
2046                throw ldapNoPermissionException;
2048            case NOT_ALLOWED_ON_NON_LEAF:
2049                LdapContextNotEmptyException ldapContextNotEmptyException = new LdapContextNotEmptyException(
2050                    ldapResult.getDiagnosticMessage() );
2051                ldapContextNotEmptyException.setResolvedDn( ldapResult.getMatchedDn() );
2053                throw ldapContextNotEmptyException;
2055            case NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
2056                LdapNoSuchObjectException ldapNoSuchObjectException = new LdapNoSuchObjectException(
2057                    ldapResult.getDiagnosticMessage() );
2058                ldapNoSuchObjectException.setResolvedDn( ldapResult.getMatchedDn() );
2060                throw ldapNoSuchObjectException;
2062            case NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE:
2063                LdapNoSuchAttributeException ldapNoSuchAttributeException = new LdapNoSuchAttributeException(
2064                    ldapResult.getDiagnosticMessage() );
2065                ldapNoSuchAttributeException.setResolvedDn( ldapResult.getMatchedDn() );
2067                throw ldapNoSuchAttributeException;
2069            case ATTRIBUTE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS:
2070                LdapAttributeInUseException ldapAttributeInUseException = new LdapAttributeInUseException(
2071                    ldapResult.getDiagnosticMessage() );
2072                ldapAttributeInUseException.setResolvedDn( ldapResult.getMatchedDn() );
2074                throw ldapAttributeInUseException;
2076            case ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS:
2077                LdapEntryAlreadyExistsException ldapEntryAlreadyExistsException = new LdapEntryAlreadyExistsException(
2078                    ldapResult.getDiagnosticMessage() );
2079                ldapEntryAlreadyExistsException.setResolvedDn( ldapResult.getMatchedDn() );
2081                throw ldapEntryAlreadyExistsException;
2083            case OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION:
2084            case NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN:
2085            case OBJECT_CLASS_MODS_PROHIBITED:
2086                LdapSchemaViolationException ldapSchemaViolationException =
2087                    new LdapSchemaViolationException( ldapResult.getResultCode(), ldapResult.getDiagnosticMessage() );
2088                ldapSchemaViolationException.setResolvedDn( ldapResult.getMatchedDn() );
2090                throw ldapSchemaViolationException;
2092            case ALIAS_PROBLEM:
2093                LdapAliasException ldapAliasException = new LdapAliasException( ldapResult.getDiagnosticMessage() );
2094                ldapAliasException.setResolvedDn( ldapResult.getMatchedDn() );
2096                throw ldapAliasException;
2098            case AFFECTS_MULTIPLE_DSAS:
2099                LdapAffectMultipleDsaException ldapAffectMultipleDsaException = new LdapAffectMultipleDsaException(
2100                    ldapResult.getDiagnosticMessage() );
2101                ldapAffectMultipleDsaException.setResolvedDn( ldapResult.getMatchedDn() );
2103                throw ldapAffectMultipleDsaException;
2106                LdapAliasDereferencingException ldapAliasDereferencingException = new LdapAliasDereferencingException(
2107                    ldapResult.getDiagnosticMessage() );
2108                ldapAliasDereferencingException.setResolvedDn( ldapResult.getMatchedDn() );
2110                throw ldapAliasDereferencingException;
2112            case AUTH_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED:
2114            case CONFIDENTIALITY_REQUIRED:
2115                LdapAuthenticationNotSupportedException ldapAuthenticationNotSupportedException =
2116                    new LdapAuthenticationNotSupportedException( ldapResult.getResultCode(),
2117                        ldapResult.getDiagnosticMessage() );
2118                ldapAuthenticationNotSupportedException.setResolvedDn( ldapResult.getMatchedDn() );
2120                throw ldapAuthenticationNotSupportedException;
2122            case BUSY:
2123            case UNAVAILABLE:
2124                LdapServiceUnavailableException ldapServiceUnavailableException =
2125                    new LdapServiceUnavailableException( ldapResult.getResultCode(), ldapResult.getDiagnosticMessage() );
2126                ldapServiceUnavailableException.setResolvedDn( ldapResult.getMatchedDn() );
2128                throw ldapServiceUnavailableException;
2130            case CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION:
2131            case INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX:
2132                LdapInvalidAttributeValueException ldapInvalidAttributeValueException =
2133                    new LdapInvalidAttributeValueException( ldapResult.getResultCode(),
2134                        ldapResult.getDiagnosticMessage() );
2135                ldapInvalidAttributeValueException.setResolvedDn( ldapResult.getMatchedDn() );
2137                throw ldapInvalidAttributeValueException;
2139            case INAPPROPRIATE_MATCHING:
2140                LdapInvalidSearchFilterException ldapInvalidSearchFilterException = new LdapInvalidSearchFilterException(
2141                    ldapResult.getDiagnosticMessage() );
2142                ldapInvalidSearchFilterException.setResolvedDn( ldapResult.getMatchedDn() );
2144                throw ldapInvalidSearchFilterException;
2146            case INVALID_DN_SYNTAX:
2147            case NAMING_VIOLATION:
2148                LdapInvalidDnException ldapInvalidDnException =
2149                    new LdapInvalidDnException( ldapResult.getResultCode(), ldapResult.getDiagnosticMessage() );
2150                ldapInvalidDnException.setResolvedDn( ldapResult.getMatchedDn() );
2152                throw ldapInvalidDnException;
2154            case LOOP_DETECT:
2155                LdapLoopDetectedException ldapLoopDetectedException = new LdapLoopDetectedException(
2156                    ldapResult.getDiagnosticMessage() );
2157                ldapLoopDetectedException.setResolvedDn( ldapResult.getMatchedDn() );
2159                throw ldapLoopDetectedException;
2161            case OPERATIONS_ERROR:
2162                LdapOperationErrorException ldapOperationErrorException = new LdapOperationErrorException(
2163                    ldapResult.getDiagnosticMessage() );
2164                ldapOperationErrorException.setResolvedDn( ldapResult.getMatchedDn() );
2166                throw ldapOperationErrorException;
2168            case PROTOCOL_ERROR:
2169                LdapProtocolErrorException ldapProtocolErrorException = new LdapProtocolErrorException(
2170                    ldapResult.getDiagnosticMessage() );
2171                ldapProtocolErrorException.setResolvedDn( ldapResult.getMatchedDn() );
2173                throw ldapProtocolErrorException;
2175            case TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED:
2176                LdapTimeLimitExceededException ldapTimeLimitExceededException = new LdapTimeLimitExceededException(
2177                    ldapResult.getDiagnosticMessage() );
2178                ldapTimeLimitExceededException.setResolvedDn( ldapResult.getMatchedDn() );
2180                throw ldapTimeLimitExceededException;
2182            case UNDEFINED_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE:
2183                LdapInvalidAttributeTypeException ldapInvalidAttributeTypeException = new LdapInvalidAttributeTypeException(
2184                    ldapResult.getDiagnosticMessage() );
2185                ldapInvalidAttributeTypeException.setResolvedDn( ldapResult.getMatchedDn() );
2187                throw ldapInvalidAttributeTypeException;
2189            case OTHER:
2190                LdapOtherException ldapOtherException = new LdapOtherException( ldapResult.getDiagnosticMessage() );
2191                ldapOtherException.setResolvedDn( ldapResult.getMatchedDn() );
2193                throw ldapOtherException;
2195            case SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED:
2196                LdapSizeLimitExceededException ldapSizeLimitExceededException = new LdapSizeLimitExceededException(
2197                    ldapResult.getDiagnosticMessage() );
2198                ldapSizeLimitExceededException.setResolvedDn( ldapResult.getMatchedDn() );
2200                throw ldapSizeLimitExceededException;
2202            case STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED:
2203                LdapStrongAuthenticationRequiredException ldapStrongAuthenticationRequiredException =
2204                    new LdapStrongAuthenticationRequiredException( ldapResult.getDiagnosticMessage() );
2205                ldapStrongAuthenticationRequiredException.setResolvedDn( ldapResult.getMatchedDn() );
2207                throw ldapStrongAuthenticationRequiredException;
2209            case ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED:
2210                LdapAdminLimitExceededException ldapAdminLimitExceededException =
2211                    new LdapAdminLimitExceededException( ldapResult.getDiagnosticMessage() );
2212                ldapAdminLimitExceededException.setResolvedDn( ldapResult.getMatchedDn() );
2214                throw ldapAdminLimitExceededException;
2216            case TOO_LATE:
2217                LdapTooLateException ldapTooLateException = new LdapTooLateException( ldapResult.getDiagnosticMessage() );
2218                ldapTooLateException.setResolvedDn( ldapResult.getMatchedDn() );
2220                throw ldapTooLateException;
2222            case UNKNOWN:
2223                LdapUnknownException ldapUnknownException = new LdapUnknownException( ldapResult.getDiagnosticMessage() );
2224                ldapUnknownException.setResolvedDn( ldapResult.getMatchedDn() );
2226                throw ldapUnknownException;
2228            case CANNOT_CANCEL:
2229                LdapCannotCancelException ldapCannotCancelException = new LdapCannotCancelException(
2230                    ldapResult.getDiagnosticMessage() );
2231                ldapCannotCancelException.setResolvedDn( ldapResult.getMatchedDn() );
2233                throw ldapCannotCancelException;
2235            case NO_SUCH_OPERATION:
2236                LdapNoSuchOperationException ldapNoSuchOperationException = new LdapNoSuchOperationException(
2237                    ldapResult.getDiagnosticMessage() );
2238                ldapNoSuchOperationException.setResolvedDn( ldapResult.getMatchedDn() );
2240                throw ldapNoSuchOperationException;
2242            case E_SYNC_REFRESH_REQUIRED:
2243                // This is a specific error message. We won't encapsulate it in a dedicated exception
2244                // Fallthrough
2246            default:
2247                LdapOperationException exception = new LdapOperationException( ldapResult.getResultCode(),
2248                    ldapResult.getDiagnosticMessage() );
2249                exception.setResolvedDn( ldapResult.getMatchedDn() );
2251                throw exception;
2252        }
2253    }