Class BerValue

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static byte FALSE_VALUE
      The encoded byte for a FALSE value
      static byte TRUE_VALUE
      The encoded byte for a TRUE value
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      The default constructor.
      BerValue​(byte[] value)
      Creates a new Value from a byte[]
    • Constructor Detail

      • BerValue

        public BerValue​(byte[] value)
        Creates a new Value from a byte[]
        value - the associated value
      • BerValue

        public BerValue()
        The default constructor.
    • Method Detail

      • init

        public void init​(int size)
        Initialize the Value
        size - The data size to allocate.
      • reset

        public void reset()
        Reset the Value so that it can be reused
      • getData

        public byte[] getData()
        Get the Values'data
        Returns the data.
      • setData

        public void setData​(ByteBuffer data)
        Set a block of bytes in the Value
        data - The data to set.
      • addData

        public void addData​(ByteBuffer buffer)
        Append some bytes to the data buffer.
        buffer - The data to append.
      • setData

        public void setData​(byte[] data)
        Set a block of bytes in the Value
        data - The data to set.
      • addData

        public void addData​(byte[] array)
        Append some bytes to the data buffer.
        array - The data to append.
      • getCurrentLength

        public int getCurrentLength()
        The number of bytes actually stored
      • getNbBytes

        public static int getNbBytes​(int value)
        Utility function that return the number of bytes necessary to store an integer value. Note that this value must be in [Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE].
        value - The value to store in a byte array
        The number of bytes necessary to store the value.
      • getNbBytes

        public static int getNbBytes​(long value)
        Utility function that return the number of bytes necessary to store a long value. Note that this value must be in [Long.MIN_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE].
        value - The value to store in a byte array
        The number of bytes necessary to store the value.
      • getBytes

        public static byte[] getBytes​(int value)
        Utility function that return a byte array representing the Value We must respect the ASN.1 BER encoding scheme :
         1) positive integer
         - [0 - 0x7F] : 0xVV
         - [0x80 - 0xFF] : 0x00 0xVV
         - [0x0100 - 0x7FFF] : 0xVV 0xVV
         - [0x8000 - 0xFFFF] : 0x00 0xVV 0xVV
         - [0x010000 - 0x7FFFFF] : 0xVV 0xVV 0xVV
         - [0x800000 - 0xFFFFFF] : 0x00 0xVV 0xVV 0xVV
         - [0x01000000 - 0x7FFFFFFF] : 0xVV 0xVV 0xVV 0xVV
         2) Negative number - (~value) + 1
        value - The value to store in a byte array
        The byte array representing the value.
      • getBytes

        public static byte[] getBytes​(long value)
        Utility function that return a byte array representing the Value. We must respect the ASN.1 BER encoding scheme :
         1) positive integer
         - [0 - 0x7F] : 0xVV
         - [0x80 - 0xFF] : 0x00 0xVV
         - [0x0100 - 0x7FFF] : 0xVV 0xVV
         - [0x8000 - 0xFFFF] : 0x00 0xVV 0xVV
         - [0x010000 - 0x7FFFFF] : 0xVV 0xVV 0xVV
         - [0x800000 - 0xFFFFFF] : 0x00 0xVV 0xVV 0xVV
         - [0x01000000 - 0x7FFFFFFF] : 0xVV 0xVV 0xVV 0xVV
         2) Negative number - (~value) + 1
        They are encoded following the table (the
        encode bytes are those enclosed by squared braquets) :

           -1                      -> FF FF FF FF FF FF FF [FF]
           -127                    -> FF FF FF FF FF FF FF [81]
           -128                    -> FF FF FF FF FF FF FF [80]
           -129                    -> FF FF FF FF FF FF [FF 7F]
           -255                    -> FF FF FF FF FF FF [FF 01]
           -256                    -> FF FF FF FF FF FF [FF 00]
           -257                    -> FF FF FF FF FF FF [FE FF]
           -32767                  -> FF FF FF FF FF FF [80 01]
           -32768                  -> FF FF FF FF FF FF [80 00]
           -32769                  -> FF FF FF FF FF [FF 7F FF]
           -65535                  -> FF FF FF FF FF [FF 00 01]
           -65536                  -> FF FF FF FF FF [FF 00 00]
           -65537                  -> FF FF FF FF FF [FE FF FF]
           -8388607                -> FF FF FF FF FF [80 00 01]
           -8388608                -> FF FF FF FF FF [80 00 00]
           -8388609                -> FF FF FF FF [FF 7F FF FF]
           -16777215               -> FF FF FF FF [FF 00 00 01]
           -16777216               -> FF FF FF FF [FF 00 00 00]
           -16777217               -> FF FF FF FF [FE FF FF FF]
           -2147483647             -> FF FF FF FF [80 00 00 01]
           -2147483648             -> FF FF FF FF [80 00 00 00]
           -2147483649             -> FF FF FF [FF 7F FF FF FF]
           -4294967295             -> FF FF FF [FF 00 00 00 01]
           -4294967296             -> FF FF FF [FF 00 00 00 00]
           -4294967297             -> FF FF FF [FE FF FF FF FF]
           -549755813887           -> FF FF FF [80 00 00 00 01]
           -549755813888           -> FF FF FF [80 00 00 00 00]
           -549755813889           -> FF FF [FF 7F FF FF FF FF]
           -1099511627775          -> FF FF [FF 00 00 00 00 01]
           -1099511627776          -> FF FF [FF 00 00 00 00 00]
           -1099511627777          -> FF FF [FE FF FF FF FF FF]
           -140737488355327        -> FF FF [80 00 00 00 00 01]
           -140737488355328        -> FF FF [80 00 00 00 00 00]
           -140737488355329        -> FF [FF 7F FF FF FF FF FF]
           -281474976710655        -> FF [FF 00 00 00 00 00 01]
           -281474976710656        -> FF [FF 00 00 00 00 00 00]
           -281474976710657        -> FF [FE FF FF FF FF FF FF]
           -36028797018963967      -> FF [80 00 00 00 00 00 01]
           -36028797018963968      -> FF [80 00 00 00 00 00 00]
           -36028797018963969      -> [FF 7F FF FF FF FF FF FF]
           -72057594037927936      -> [FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00]
           -72057594037927937      -> [FE FF FF FF FF FF FF FF]
           -9223372036854775807    -> [80 00 00 00 00 00 00 01]
           -9223372036854775808    -> [80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00]
        value - The value to store in a byte array
        The byte array representing the value.
      • encode

        public static void encode​(ByteBuffer buffer,
                                  String string)
                           throws EncoderException
        Encode a String value
        buffer - The PDU in which the value will be put
        string - The String to be encoded. It is supposed to be UTF-8
        EncoderException - if the PDU in which the value should be encoded is two small
      • encode

        public static void encode​(ByteBuffer buffer,
                                  BitString bitString)
                           throws EncoderException
        Encode a BIT STRING value
        buffer - The PDU in which the value will be put
        bitString - The BitString to be encoded.
        EncoderException - if the PDU in which the value should be encoded is two small
      • encode

        public static void encode​(ByteBuffer buffer,
                                  byte[] bytes)
                           throws EncoderException
        Encode an OctetString value
        buffer - The PDU in which the value will be put
        bytes - The bytes to be encoded
        EncoderException - if the PDU in which the value should be encoded is two small
      • encode

        public static void encode​(ByteBuffer buffer,
                                  Oid oid)
                           throws EncoderException
        Encode an OID value
        buffer - The PDU in which the value will be put
        oid - The OID to be encoded
        EncoderException - if the PDU in which the value should be encoded is two small
      • encode

        public static void encode​(ByteBuffer buffer,
                                  int value)
                           throws EncoderException
        Encode an integer value
        buffer - The PDU in which the value will be put
        value - The integer to be encoded
        EncoderException - if the PDU in which the value should be encoded is two small
      • encode

        public static void encode​(ByteBuffer buffer,
                                  long value)
                           throws EncoderException
        Encode a long value
        buffer - The PDU in which the value will be put
        value - The long to be encoded
        EncoderException - if the PDU in which the value should be encoded is two small
      • encode

        public static void encode​(ByteBuffer buffer,
                                  byte tag,
                                  int value)
                           throws EncoderException
        Encode an integer value
        buffer - The PDU in which the value will be put
        tag - The tag if it's not an UNIVERSAL one
        value - The integer to be encoded
        EncoderException - if the PDU in which the value should be encoded is two small
      • encodeEnumerated

        public static void encodeEnumerated​(ByteBuffer buffer,
                                            int value)
                                     throws EncoderException
        Encode an enumerated value
        buffer - The PDU in which the value will be put
        value - The integer to be encoded
        EncoderException - if the PDU in which the value should be encoded is two small
      • encode

        public static void encode​(ByteBuffer buffer,
                                  boolean bool)
                           throws EncoderException
        Encode a boolean value
        buffer - The PDU in which the value will be put
        bool - The boolean to be encoded
        EncoderException - if the PDU in which the value should be encoded is two small
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Return a string representing the Value
        toString in class Object
        A string representing the value