Interface TLVBerDecoderMBean

    • Method Detail

      • setMaxLengthLength

        void setMaxLengthLength​(int length)
                         throws DecoderException
        Set the number of bytes that can be used to encode the Value length, including the first byte. Max is 127 if the Length use a definite form, default is 1
        length - the number of byte to use
        DecoderException - Thrown if the indefinite length is allowed or if the length's Length is above 126 bytes
      • setMaxTagLength

        void setMaxTagLength​(int length)
        Set the maximum number of bytes that should be used to encode a Tag label, including the first byte. Default is 1, no maximum
        length - The length to use
      • getMaxLengthLength

        int getMaxLengthLength()
        Get the actual maximum number of bytes that can be used to encode the Length
        The maximum bytes of the Length
      • getMaxTagLength

        int getMaxTagLength()
        Get the actual maximum number of bytes that can be used to encode the Tag
        The maximum length of the Tag
      • isIndefiniteLengthAllowed

        boolean isIndefiniteLengthAllowed()
        Tell if indefinite length form could be used for Length
        true if the Indefinite form is allowed