Class ModifyDnRequestDecorator

    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public Dn getName()
        Gets the entry's distinguished name representing the entry PDU field.
        Specified by:
        getName in interface ModifyDnRequest
        the distinguished name of the entry.
      • setName

        public ModifyDnRequest setName​(Dn name)
        Sets the entry's distinguished name representing the entry PDU field.
        Specified by:
        setName in interface ModifyDnRequest
        name - the distinguished name of the entry.
        The ModifyDnRequest instance
      • getNewRdn

        public Rdn getNewRdn()
        Gets the new relative distinguished name for the entry which represents the PDU's newrdn field.
        Specified by:
        getNewRdn in interface ModifyDnRequest
        the relative dn with one component
      • setNewRdn

        public ModifyDnRequest setNewRdn​(Rdn newRdn)
        Sets the new relative distinguished name for the entry which represents the PDU's newrdn field.
        Specified by:
        setNewRdn in interface ModifyDnRequest
        newRdn - the relative dn with one component
        The ModifyDnRequest instance
      • getDeleteOldRdn

        public boolean getDeleteOldRdn()
        Gets the flag which determines if the old Rdn attribute is to be removed from the entry when the new Rdn is used in its stead. This property corresponds to the deleteoldrdn.
        Specified by:
        getDeleteOldRdn in interface ModifyDnRequest
        true if the old rdn is to be deleted, false if it is not
      • setDeleteOldRdn

        public ModifyDnRequest setDeleteOldRdn​(boolean deleteOldRdn)
        Sets the flag which determines if the old Rdn attribute is to be removed from the entry when the new Rdn is used in its stead. This property corresponds to the deleteoldrdn.
        Specified by:
        setDeleteOldRdn in interface ModifyDnRequest
        deleteOldRdn - true if the old rdn is to be deleted, false if it is not
        The ModifyDnRequest instance
      • getNewSuperior

        public Dn getNewSuperior()
        Gets the optional distinguished name of the new superior entry where the candidate entry is to be moved. This property corresponds to the PDU's newSuperior field. May be null representing a simple Rdn change rather than a move operation.
        Specified by:
        getNewSuperior in interface ModifyDnRequest
        the dn of the superior entry the candidate entry is moved under.
      • setNewSuperior

        public ModifyDnRequest setNewSuperior​(Dn newSuperior)
        Sets the optional distinguished name of the new superior entry where the candidate entry is to be moved. This property corresponds to the PDU's newSuperior field. May be null representing a simple Rdn change rather than a move operation. Setting this property to a non-null value toggles the move flag obtained via the isMove method.
        Specified by:
        setNewSuperior in interface ModifyDnRequest
        newSuperior - the dn of the superior entry the candidate entry for Dn modification is moved under.
        The ModifyDnRequest instance
      • isMove

        public boolean isMove()
        Gets whether or not this request is a Dn change resulting in a move operation. Setting the newSuperior property to a non-null name, toggles this flag.
        Specified by:
        isMove in interface ModifyDnRequest
        true if the newSuperior property is NOT null, false otherwise.
      • computeLength

        public int computeLength()
        Compute the ModifyDNRequest length
        ModifyDNRequest :
         0x6C L1
          +--> 0x04 L2 entry
          +--> 0x04 L3 newRDN
          +--> 0x01 0x01 (true/false) deleteOldRDN (3 bytes)
         [+--> 0x80 L4 newSuperior ] 
         L2 = Length(0x04) + Length(Length(entry)) + Length(entry) 
         L3 = Length(0x04) + Length(Length(newRDN)) + Length(newRDN) 
         L4 = Length(0x80) + Length(Length(newSuperior)) + Length(newSuperior)
         L1 = L2 + L3 + 3 [+ L4] 
         Length(ModifyDNRequest) = Length(0x6C) + Length(L1) + L1
        Specified by:
        computeLength in interface Asn1Object
        The PDU's length of a ModifyDN Request
      • encode

        public ByteBuffer encode​(ByteBuffer buffer)
                          throws EncoderException
        Encode the ModifyDNRequest message to a PDU.
        ModifyDNRequest :
         0x6C LL
           0x04 LL entry
           0x04 LL newRDN
           0x01 0x01 deleteOldRDN
           [0x80 LL newSuperior]
        Specified by:
        encode in interface Asn1Object
        buffer - The buffer where to put the PDU
        The PDU.
        EncoderException - if the buffer can't be encoded