Interface EntryChange

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    EntryChangeDecorator, EntryChangeImpl

    public interface EntryChange
    extends Control
    A response control that may be returned by Persistent Search entry responses. It contains addition change information to describe the exact change that occurred to an entry. The exact details of this control are covered in section 5 of this (yes) expired draft: Persistent Search Draft v03 which is printed out below for convenience:
        5.  Entry Change Notification Control
        This control provides additional information about the change the caused
        a particular entry to be returned as the result of a persistent search.
        The controlType is "2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.7".  If the client set the
        returnECs boolean to TRUE in the PersistentSearch control, servers MUST
        include an EntryChangeNotification control in the Controls portion of
        each SearchResultEntry that is returned due to an entry being added,
        deleted, or modified.
                   EntryChangeNotification ::= SEQUENCE
                             changeType ENUMERATED
                                     add             (1),
                                     delete          (2),
                                     modify          (4),
                                     modDN           (8)
                             previousDN   LDAPDN OPTIONAL,     -- modifyDN ops. only
                             changeNumber INTEGER OPTIONAL     -- if supported
        changeType indicates what LDAP operation caused the entry to be
        previousDN is present only for modifyDN operations and gives the Dn of
        the entry before it was renamed and/or moved.  Servers MUST include this
        optional field only when returning change notifications as a result of
        modifyDN operations.
        changeNumber is the change number [CHANGELOG] assigned by a server for
        the change.  If a server supports an LDAP Change Log it SHOULD include
        this field.
    Apache Directory Project