Class MutableMatchingRule

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, SchemaObject

    public class MutableMatchingRule
    extends MatchingRule
    A matchingRule definition. MatchingRules associate a comparator and a normalizer, forming the basic tools necessary to assert actions against attribute values. MatchingRules are associated with a specific Syntax for the purpose of resolving a normalized form and for comparisons.

    According to ldapbis [MODELS]:

      4.1.3. Matching Rules
        Matching rules are used by servers to compare attribute values against
        assertion values when performing Search and Compare operations.  They
        are also used to identify the value to be added or deleted when
        modifying entries, and are used when comparing a purported
        distinguished name with the name of an entry.
        A matching rule specifies the syntax of the assertion value.
        Each matching rule is identified by an object identifier (OID) and,
        optionally, one or more short names (descriptors).
        Matching rule definitions are written according to the ABNF:
          MatchingRuleDescription = LPAREN WSP
              numericoid                ; object identifier
              [ SP "NAME" SP qdescrs ]  ; short names (descriptors)
              [ SP "DESC" SP qdstring ] ; description
              [ SP "OBSOLETE" ]         ; not active
              SP "SYNTAX" SP numericoid ; assertion syntax
              extensions WSP RPAREN     ; extensions
          [numericoid] is object identifier assigned to this matching rule;
          NAME [qdescrs] are short names (descriptors) identifying this
              matching rule;
          DESC [qdstring] is a short descriptive string;
          OBSOLETE indicates this matching rule is not active;
          SYNTAX identifies the assertion syntax by object identifier; and
          [extensions] describe extensions.
    Apache Directory Project
    See Also:
    RFC 2252 Section 4.5, ldapbis [MODELS], Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • MutableMatchingRule

        public MutableMatchingRule​(String oid)
        Creates a new instance of MatchingRule.
        oid - The MatchingRule OID
    • Method Detail

      • setSyntaxOid

        public void setSyntaxOid​(String oid)
        Sets the Syntax's OID
        oid - The Syntax's OID
      • setSyntax

        public void setSyntax​(LdapSyntax ldapSyntax)
        Sets the Syntax
        ldapSyntax - The Syntax
      • updateSyntax

        public void updateSyntax​(LdapSyntax ldapSyntax)
        Update the associated Syntax, even if the SchemaObject is readOnly
        ldapSyntax - The Syntax
      • setLdapComparator

        public void setLdapComparator​(LdapComparator<?> ldapComparator)
        Sets the LdapComparator
        ldapComparator - The LdapComparator
      • updateLdapComparator

        public void updateLdapComparator​(LdapComparator<?> ldapComparator)
        Update the associated Comparator, even if the SchemaObject is readOnly
        ldapComparator - The LdapComparator
      • setNormalizer

        public void setNormalizer​(Normalizer normalizer)
        Sets the Normalizer
        normalizer - The Normalizer
      • updateNormalizer

        public void updateNormalizer​(Normalizer normalizer)
        Update the associated Normalizer, even if the SchemaObject is readOnly
        normalizer - The Normalizer