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  • Build Apache Fortress Web

    Fortress Web Users

    This section describes how to install and use the Fortress Web Application for RBAC Administration

    1. Set java and maven home env variables.

    2. Change directory:

      cd directory-fortress-commander/

    3. Copy the, created on step Build Apache Fortress Core, to this package's resource folder.

      cp [directory-fortress-core]/config/ [directory-fortress-commander]/src/main/resources

      Where [directory-fortress-core] is base folder of the fortress core source package and [directory-fortress-commander] is the current package's home folder.

    4. To load policies for testing into ldap, run this command:

      mvn install -Dload.file=./src/main/resources/FortressWebDemoUsers.xml

    5. To deploy fortress web, run this command:

      mvn tomcat:deploy

    6. To redeploy:

      mvn tomcat:redeploy

    7. Connect to web app:


    8. Try the various user accounts, notice how each has different policies:

    9. Run the Selenium Web driver integration tests:

      mvn test -Dtest=FortressWebSeleniumITCase

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