Interface ModifyRequest

  • All Superinterfaces:
    AbandonableRequest, Message, Request, ResultResponseRequest, SingleReplyRequest
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    ModifyRequestDecorator, ModifyRequestDsml, ModifyRequestImpl

    public interface ModifyRequest
    extends SingleReplyRequest, AbandonableRequest
    Modify request protocol message used to alter the attributes and values of an existing entry. Here's what RFC 2255 says about it:
      4.6. Modify Operation
       The Modify Operation allows a client to request that a modification
       of an entry be performed on its behalf by a server.  The Modify
       Request is defined as follows:
            ModifyRequest ::= [APPLICATION 6] SEQUENCE {
                    object          LDAPDN,
                    modification    SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE {
                            operation       ENUMERATED {
                                                    add     (0),
                                                    delete  (1),
                                                    replace (2) },
                            modification    AttributeTypeAndValues } }
            AttributeTypeAndValues ::= SEQUENCE {
                    type    AttributeDescription,
                    vals    SET OF AttributeValue }
       Parameters of the Modify Request are:
       - object: The object to be modified. The value of this field contains
         the Dn of the entry to be modified.  The server will not perform
         any alias dereferencing in determining the object to be modified.
       - modification: A list of modifications to be performed on the entry.
         The entire list of entry modifications MUST be performed
         in the order they are listed, as a single atomic operation.  While
         individual modifications may violate the directory schema, the
         resulting entry after the entire list of modifications is performed
         MUST conform to the requirements of the directory schema. The
         values that may be taken on by the 'operation' field in each
         modification construct have the following semantics respectively:
                 add: add values listed to the given attribute, creating
                 the attribute if necessary;
                 delete: delete values listed from the given attribute,
                 removing the entire attribute if no values are listed, or
                 if all current values of the attribute are listed for
                 replace: replace all existing values of the given attribute
                 with the new values listed, creating the attribute if it
                 did not already exist.  A replace with no value will delete
                 the entire attribute if it exists, and is ignored if the
                 attribute does not exist.
    Notice that we tried to leverage as much as we already can from the JNDI. Both the Names and ModificationItems are used here to make the API as easy as possible to understand. We do not attempt here to write a JNDI provider which losses the explicit request type usage that we are looking for. Also note that this library is both for the client side as well as the server side unlike the JNDI which is strictly for the client side. From the JNDI we borrow good ideas and familiar signatures, interfaces and classes where we can.
    Apache Directory Project
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        Dn getName()
        Gets the distinguished name of the entry to be modified by this request. This property represents the PDU's object field.
        the Dn of the modified entry.
      • setName

        ModifyRequest setName​(Dn name)
        Sets the distinguished name of the entry to be modified by this request. This property represents the PDU's object field.
        name - the Dn of the modified entry.
        The ModifyRequest instance
      • getModifications

        Gets an immutable Collection of modification items representing the atomic changes to perform on the candidate entry to modify.
        an immutable Collection of Modification instances.
      • addModification

        ModifyRequest addModification​(Modification mod)
        Adds a ModificationItem to the set of modifications composing this modify request.
        mod - a Modification to add.
        The ModifyRequest instance
      • removeModification

        ModifyRequest removeModification​(Modification mod)
        Removes a ModificationItem to the set of modifications composing this modify request.
        mod - a Modification to remove.
        The ModifyRequest instance
      • remove

        ModifyRequest remove​(String attributeName,
                             String... attributeValue)
        marks a given attribute for removal with the given values from the target entry.
        attributeName - name of the attribute to be removed
        attributeValue - values of the attribute
        The ModifyRequest instance
      • remove

        ModifyRequest remove​(String attributeName,
                             byte[]... attributeValue)
        attributeName - name of the attribute to be added
        attributeValue - values of the attribute
        The ModifyRequest instance
        See Also:
        remove(String, String...)
      • remove

        ModifyRequest remove​(Attribute attr)
        marks a given attribute for removal from the target entry.
        attr - the attribute to be removed
        The ModifyRequest instance
      • remove

        ModifyRequest remove​(String attributeName)
        marks a given attribute name for removal from the target entry.
        attributeName - the attribute to be removed
        The ModifyRequest instance
      • add

        ModifyRequest add​(String attributeName,
                          String... attributeValue)
        marks a given attribute for addition in the target entry with the given values.
        attributeName - name of the attribute to be added
        attributeValue - values of the attribute
        The ModifyRequest instance
      • add

        ModifyRequest add​(String attributeName,
                          byte[]... attributeValue)
        attributeName - name of the attribute to be added
        attributeValue - values of the attribute
        The ModifyRequest instance
        See Also:
        add(String, String...)
      • add

        ModifyRequest add​(Attribute attr)
        marks a given attribute for addition in the target entry.
        attr - the attribute to be added
        The ModifyRequest instance
      • replace

        ModifyRequest replace​(String attributeName,
                              String... attributeValue)
        marks a given attribute for replacement with the given values in the target entry.
        attributeName - name of the attribute to be added
        attributeValue - values of the attribute
        The ModifyRequest instance
      • replace

        ModifyRequest replace​(String attributeName,
                              byte[]... attributeValue)
        attributeName - name of the attribute to be added
        attributeValue - values of the attribute
        The ModifyRequest instance
        See Also:
        replace(String, String...)
      • replace

        ModifyRequest replace​(Attribute attr)
        marks a given attribute for replacement in the target entry.
        attr - the attribute to be added
        The ModifyRequest instance