Fortress Exception Handling

Fortress communicates errors to the caller via checked exceptions. At the highest level is the SecurityException.

It is declared to be thrown by all APIs within the Fortress Manager interfaces. The original exception thrown may be of this type or one of its extensions:

For some methods, e.g. AccessMgr.createSession, AccessMgr.authenticate, the caller may need to differentiate by one of the above subclasses, e.g. PasswordException, to facilitate password expiring condition or allow user to retry authentication after entering it incorrectly. If specific exception processing is not required and differentiating conditions by SecurityException#errorId is acceptable, callers are allowed to catch (or throw) as type SecurityException.

All exceptions generated by Fortress will be set as an error code. These codes are declared in GlobalErrIds and are also listed below:

Error Code Tag name Meaning
101 CONTEXT_NULL The supplied context is required but was null or empty.
103 FT_MGR_CLASS_NOT_FOUND The Manager impl could not be instantiated because the supplied class name was not found.
104 FT_MGR_INST_EXCEPTION The reflection API could not create the Manager instance due to instantiation exception.
105 FT_MGR_ILLEGAL_ACCESS The reflection API could not create the Manager instance due to illegal access exception.
106 FT_MGR_CLASS_NAME_NULL The Manager impl class name was not found in the cfg.
107 FT_CONFIG_NOT_FOUND The remote cfg instance could not be found on the server.
108 FT_CONFIG_NAME_NULL The cfg node name was not found in cfg file.
109 FT_CONFIG_NAME_INVLD The name specified for config instance is too long.
110 FT_CONFIG_PROPS_NULL The config API was called with an empty properties list.
111 FT_CONFIG_NULL The cfg object is required but was passed in null.
120 FT_CONFIG_CREATE_FAILED The config node could not be created on server.
121 FT_CONFIG_UPDATE_FAILED The config node could not be updated on server.
122 FT_CONFIG_DELETE_FAILED The config node could not be removed from server.
123 FT_CONFIG_DELETE_PROPS_FAILED The config parameters could not be removed from server.
124 FT_CONFIG_READ_FAILED The config node could not be read from server.
125 FT_CONFIG_ALREADY_EXISTS The config node could not be created because it already exists.
126 FT_CONFIG_BOOTSTRAP_FAILED The config node could not be read from server.
127 FT_CONFIG_INITIALIZE_FAILED The config node could not be read from server.
128 FT_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND The resource could not be located on the runtime classloader path.
129 FT_CACHE_NOT_CONFIGURED The cache is not configured.
130 FT_CACHE_GET_ERR The cache get operation failed.
131 FT_CACHE_PUT_ERR The cache put operation failed.
132 FT_CACHE_CLEAR_ERR The cache clear operation failed.
133 FT_CACHE_FLUSH_ERR The cache flush operation failed.
134 FT_NULL_CACHE The cache is null.
135 FT_APACHE_LDAP_POOL_INIT_FAILED Could not initialize Apache LDAP Connection Pool.
136 FT_CONFIG_JSSE_TRUSTSTORE_NULL Cannot load JSSE TrustStore because the full-qualified input file name is null.
1000 USER_SEARCH_FAILED The User node could not be searched on server.
1001 USER_READ_FAILED The User node could not be read from server.
1002 USER_ADD_FAILED The User node could not be added to server.
1003 USER_UPDATE_FAILED The User node could not be updated on server.
1004 USER_DELETE_FAILED The User node could not be deleted from server.
1005 USER_NOT_FOUND The User node was not found on server.
1006 USER_ID_NULL The supplied userId was null and is required for this operation.
1007 USER_ID_DUPLICATE The User could not be added because it already exists.
1008 USER_NULL The operation failed because the supplied User entity is null and is required.
1009 USER_PW_NULL The operation failed because the supplied User’s password is required but was found to be null.
1010 USER_PW_INVLD_LEN The operation failed because the supplied User password is too long. Ensure the length does not exceed Ensure the length does not exceed GlobalIds#PASSWORD_LEN.
1011 USER_PLCY_VIOLATION The operation failed because of policy violation due to being designated a ‘system’ user.
1012 USER_PW_PLCY_DEL_FAILED The PW Policy node could not be removed from server.
1013 USER_PW_INVLD The supplied User password was invalid.
1014 USER_PW_CHK_FAILED The User password check failed on server.
1015 USER_PW_RESET The User’s password is in reset state which requires change.
1016 USER_PW_LOCKED Authentication failed because User’s password has been locked on the server.
1017 USER_PW_EXPIRED Authentication failed because User’s password is expired on the server.
1018 USER_PW_MOD_NOT_ALLOWED The password change failed because User is not allowed to change password.
1019 USER_PW_MUST_SUPPLY_OLD The password change failed because User did not supply old password.
1020 USER_PW_NSF_QUALITY Rhe password change failed because supplied password is not of sufficient quality.
1021 USER_PW_TOO_SHORT The password change failed because supplied User password was too short.
1022 USER_PW_TOO_YOUNG The password change failed because the supplied User password is too young.
1023 USER_PW_IN_HISTORY The password change failed because supplied User password was found in history.
1024 USER_PW_UNLOCK_FAILED The password unlock operation failed on the server.
1025 USER_PW_LOCK_FAILED The password lock operation failed on the server.
1026 USER_PW_CHANGE_FAILED The password change failed on the server.
1027 USER_PW_RESET_FAILED The reset password operation failed on the server.
1028 USER_LOCKED_BY_CONST The User has been prevented to logon due to Fortress Constraints.
1029 USER_SESS_CREATE_FAILED The User session could not be created.
1030 USER_SESS_NULL The required User Session was not supplied.
1031 USER_ADMIN_NOT_AUTHORIZED The logged on administrator is not authorized to perform the function.
1032 USER_CN_NULL The common name was not supplied but is required.
1033 USER_SN_NULL The surname was not supplied but is required.
1034 USER_PW_PLCY_INVALID The policy name supplied for User was not found on server.
1035 USER_OU_INVALID The User ou name supplied for User was not found on server.
1036 SESS_CTXT_NULL The required User Session was not supplied and is required. Used by fortress realm.
1037 USER_BIND_FAILED The User bind operation failed on server.
1038 USER_ADD_FAILED_ALREADY_EXISTS The User node could not be added to server.
1039 USER_ADMIN_CANNOT_ADD The Admin is not authorized to add the User.
1040 USER_ADMIN_CANNOT_CHANGE The Admin is not authorized to edit the User.
1041 USER_OU_NULL The User ou name was not supplied and is required.
2003 URLE_NULL The UserRole entity was not supplied and is required.
2004 URLE_ASSIGN_FAILED The User RBAC Role assignment failed.
2005 URLE_DEASSIGN_FAILED The User RBAC Role deassignment failed.
2006 URLE_ACTIVATE_FAILED The supplied RBAC Role could not be activated in the User’s Session.
2007 URLE_DEACTIVE_FAILED The supplied RBAC Role could not be deactivated from the User’s session.
2008 URLE_ASSIGN_EXIST The RBAC Role could not be assigned to User already has it assigned.
2009 URLE_ASSIGN_NOT_EXIST The RBAC Role could not be deassigned from User because it wasn’t assigned in the first place.
2010 URLE_SEARCH_FAILED The RBAC Role search failed on server.
2011 URLE_ALREADY_ACTIVE The RBAC Role is already activated in User’s Session.
2022 URLE_NOT_ACTIVE The supplied RBAC Role is not activated in User’s Session.
2023 URLE_ADMIN_CANNOT_ASSIGN The logged on administrator cannot assign RBAC Role to User because unauthorized.
2024 URLE_ADMIN_CANNOT_DEASSIGN The logged on administrator cannot deassign RBAC Role to User because unauthorized.
2025 URLE_ADMIN_CANNOT_GRANT The logged on administrator cannot grant RBAC Role to Permission because unauthorized.
2026 URLE_ADMIN_CANNOT_REVOKE The logged on administrator cannot revoke RBAC Role from Permission because unauthorized.
2050 ACTV_FAILED_DAY Entity activation failed due to day validation failure.
2051 ACTV_FAILED_DATE Entity activation failed due to date validation failure.
2052 ACTV_FAILED_TIME Entity activation failed due to time validation failure.
2053 ACTV_FAILED_TIMEOUT Entity activation failed due to Session timeout validation failure.
2054 ACTV_FAILED_LOCK Entity activation failed due to lockout date.
2055 ACTV_FAILED_DSD Entity activation failed due to Dynamic Separation of Duty restriction on Role.
2056 ACTV_FAILED_AUTHN Entity activation failed due to authentication status violation.
2057 ACTV_FAILED_DISCRIMINANT Entity activation failed during dynamic discriminator test on Role.
2058 ACTV_FAILED_ABAC Entity activation failed during ABAC test on Role.
2059 ACTV_FAILED_ABAC_NO_KEY_FOUND Entity activation failed, the ABAC constraint key was not found in user context.
3000 PERM_SEARCH_FAILED The supplied Permission could not be searched due to error returned from server.
3001 PERM_READ_OP_FAILED The supplied Permission operation could not be read from server.
3002 PERM_READ_OBJ_FAILED The supplied Permission operation could not be read from server.
3003 PERM_ADD_FAILED The supplied Permission could not be added to server.
3004 PERM_UPDATE_FAILED The supplied Permission could not be updated on server.
3005 PERM_DELETE_FAILED The supplied Permission could not be removed from server.
3006 PERM_OP_NOT_FOUND The supplied Permission operation could not be found on server.
3007 PERM_OBJ_NOT_FOUND The supplied Permission object could not be found on server.
3008 PERM_NULL The supplied Permission entity is required but was passed as null.
3009 PERM_OPERATION_NULL The supplied Permission operation is required but was passed as null.
3010 PERM_OBJECT_NULL The supplied Permission object is required but was passed as null.
3011 PERM_DUPLICATE The Permission could not be added because it already exists on server.
3012 PERM_GRANT_FAILED The Permission could not be granted to Role.
3013 PERM_GRANT_USER_FAILED The Permission could not be granted to User.
3014* PERM_REVOKE_FAILED The Permission could not be revoked from Role.
3015 PERM_ROLE_EXIST The Permission has already been granted.
3016 PERM_ROLE_NOT_EXIST The Permission could not be revoked because it does not exist on server.
3017 PERM_USER_EXIST The Permission could not be granted to User because it already exists on server.
3018 PERM_USER_NOT_EXIST The Permission could not be revoked from User because it does not exist on server.
3019 PERM_ROLE_SEARCH_FAILED The Role-Permission search failed on server.
3020 PERM_USER_SEARCH_FAILED The User-Permission search failed on server.
3021 PERM_SESS_SEARCH_FAILED The search for authorized Permission failed on server.
3022 PERM_BULK_USER_REVOKE_FAILED The operation to revoke all Permissions from User failed on server.
3023 PERM_BULK_ROLE_REVOKE_FAILED The operation to revoke all Permissions from RBAC Role failed on server.
3024 PERM_BULK_ADMINROLE_REVOKE_FAILED The operation to revoke all administrative Permissions from AdminRole failed on server.
3025 PERM_OU_INVALID The supplied Perm OU was not found on server.
3026 PERM_OPERATION_NM_NULL The supplied Permission operation name is required but was passed as null.
3027 PERM_OBJECT_NM_NULL The supplied Permission object name is required but was passed as null.
3028 PERM_COMPARE_OP_FAILED The supplied Permission operation could not be read due error on server.
3029 PERM_NOT_EXIST The supplied Permission does not exist on server.
3030 PERM_ATTRIBUTE_SET_NULL The supplied Permission Attribute Set is required but was passed as null.
3031 PERM_ATTRIBUTE_SET_DELETE_FAILED The supplied Permission Attribute Set could not be removed from server.
3032 PERM_ATTRIBUTE_NULL The supplied Permission Attribute is required but was passed as null.
3033 PERM_ATTRIBUTE_DELETE_FAILED The supplied Permission Attribute could not be removed from server.
3034 PERM_ATTR_ADD_FAILED The supplied Permission Attribute could not be added to server.
3035 PERM_ATTRIBUTE_SET_NOT_FOUND The supplied Permission Attribute Set could not be found on server.
3036 PERM_ATTRIBUTE_SET_NM_NULL The supplied Permission Attribute Set name is required but was passed as null.
3037 PERM_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND The supplied Permission Attribute was not found.
3038 PERM_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATE_FAILED The supplied Permission Attribute update failed.
4000 PSWD_READ_FAILED The Password policy could not be read from server.
4001 PSWD_CREATE_FAILED The supplied Password policy could not be added to server.
4002 PSWD_UPDATE_FAILED The supplied Password policy could not be updated on server.
4003 PSWD_DELETE_FAILED The supplied Password policy could not be removed from server.
4004 PSWD_SEARCH_FAILED The supplied Password policy search failed on on server.
4005 PSWD_NOT_FOUND The supplied Password policy was not found on server.
4006 PSWD_NAME_INVLD_LEN The supplied Password policy name failed length check.
4007 PSWD_QLTY_INVLD_LEN The supplied Password quality value failed length check.
4008 PSWD_QLTY_INVLD The supplied Password quality value invalid.
4009 PSWD_MAXAGE_INVLD The supplied Password max age value is invalid.
4010 PSWD_MINAGE_INVLD The supplied Password min age value is invalid.
4011 PSWD_MINLEN_INVLD The supplied Password minLength is invalid.
4012 PSWD_INTERVAL_INVLD The supplied Password interval value invalid.
4013 PSWD_MAXFAIL_INVLD The Password max failure count invalid.
4014 PSWD_MUSTCHG_INVLD The Password must change value invalid.
4015 PSWD_SAFECHG_INVLD The supplied Password safe change attribute invalid.
4016 PSWD_ALLOWCHG_INVLD The supplied Password allow change attribute invalid.
4017 PSWD_HISTORY_INVLD The supplied Password history value invalid.
4018 PSWD_GRACE_INVLD The supplied Password grace value invalid.
4019 PSWD_LOCKOUTDUR_INVLD The supplied lockout duration was invalid.
4020 PSWD_EXPWARN_INVLD The supplied password expiration value was invalid.
4021 PSWD_LOCKOUT_INVLD The supplied password lockout attribute is invalid.
4022 PSWD_NAME_NULL The supplied Password policy name is required and cannot be null.
4023 PSWD_PLCY_NULL The supplied Password entity is required and cannot be null.
4024 PSWD_CONST_VIOLATION Server returned password policy constraint violation.
5000 ROLE_SEARCH_FAILED The RBAC Role search failed on server.
5001 ROLE_READ_FAILED The RBAC Role read failed on server.
5002 ROLE_ADD_FAILED The supplied RBAC Role could not be added to server.
5003 ROLE_UPDATE_FAILED The supplied RBAC Role could not be updated on server.
5004 ROLE_DELETE_FAILED The supplied RBAC Role could not be removed from server.
5005 ROLE_NM_NULL The RBAC Role name is required and cannot be null.
5006 ROLE_NOT_FOUND The RBAC Role was not found on server.
5007 ROLE_NULL The RBAC Role entity is required and cannot be null.
5008 ROLE_USER_ASSIGN_FAILED The RBAC Role assignment failed on the server.
5009 ROLE_USER_DEASSIGN_FAILED The RBAC Role deassignment operation failed on the server.
5010 ROLE_LST_NULL The RBAC Role list is required and cannot be null.
5011 ROLE_OCCUPANT_SEARCH_FAILED Role occupant search failed.
5012 ROLE_REMOVE_OCCUPANT_FAILED The operation to remove User as occupant to Roles failed.
5013 PARENT_ROLE_NULL The RBAC Parent Role entity is required for this operation and cannot be null.
5014 CHILD_ROLE_NULL The RBAC Child Role entity is required for this operation and cannot be null.
5015 ROLE_REMOVE_PARENT_FAILED The operation to remove parent attribute to Role failed.
5051 HIER_READ_FAILED The Hierarchical node could not be read from the server.
5052 HIER_ADD_FAILED The supplied Hierarchical data could not be added to the server.
5053 HIER_UPDATE_FAILED The supplied Hierarchical data could not be updated on the server.
5054 HIER_DELETE_FAILED The supplied Hierarchical data could not be removed from the server.
5056 HIER_NOT_FOUND The requested Hierarchical data could not be found on the server.
5057 HIER_REL_INVLD The specified relationship is invalid.
5058 HIER_DEL_FAILED_HAS_CHILD The parent cannot be removed from server because it has child. Must remove child first.
5059 HIER_REL_EXIST The specified parent-child relationship already exists on the server.
5060 HIER_REL_NOT_EXIST The specified parent-child relationship does not exist on the server.
5061 HIER_NULL The supplied Hierarchical entity is required and cannot be null.
5062 HIER_TYPE_NULL The supplied Hierarchical type is required and cannot be null.
5063 HIER_CANNOT_PERFORM The supplied Hierarchical type is required and cannot be null.
5064 HIER_REL_CYCLIC The specified relationship would cause a cyclic dependency in graph.
5080 SSD_SEARCH_FAILED The Static Separation of Duty constraint search failed on the server.
5081 SSD_READ_FAILED The Static Separation of Duty constraint read failed on the server.
5082 SSD_ADD_FAILED The Static Separation of Duty constraint cannot be added to the server.
5083 SSD_UPDATE_FAILED The Static Separation of Duty constraint cannot be updated on the server.
5084 SSD_DELETE_FAILED The Static Separation of Duty constraint cannot be removed from the server.
5085 SSD_NM_NULL The Static Separation of Duty name is required and cannot be null.
5086 SSD_NOT_FOUND The Static Separation of Duty constraint could not be found on the server.
5087 SSD_NULL The Static Separation of Duty Constraint entity is required and cannot be null.
5088 SSD_VALIDATION_FAILED The validation for Static Separation of Duty constraint data failed.
5089 DSD_SEARCH_FAILED The Dynamic Separation of Duty constraint search failed on the server.
5090 DSD_READ_FAILED The Dynamic Separation of Duty constraint read failed on the server.
5091 DSD_ADD_FAILED The Dynamic Separation of Duty constraint cannot be added to the server.
5092 DSD_UPDATE_FAILED The Dynamic Separation of Duty constraint cannot be updated on the server.
5093 DSD_DELETE_FAILED The Dynamic Separation of Duty constraint cannot be removed from the server.
5094 DSD_NM_NULL The Dynamic Separation of Duty name is required and cannot be null.
5095 DSD_NOT_FOUND The Dynamic Separation of Duty constraint could not be found on the server.
5096 DSD_NULL The Dynamic Separation of Duty Constraint entity is required and cannot be null.
5100 ROLE_CONSTRAINT_TYPE_NULL The validation for Role Constraint type failed.
5101 ROLE_CONSTRAINT_VALUE_NULL The validation for Role Constraint failed value is null.
5102 ROLE_CONSTRAINT_NULL The validation for Role Constraint entity reference not set.
5103 ROLE_CONSTRAINT_KEY_NULL The validation for Role Constraint failed key is required.
5104 ROLE_CONSTRAINT_NOT_ENABLED An attempt to add a user-role constraint when the role constraint has not been enabled (added).
6001 CNTR_CREATE_FAILED The supplied directory node could not be created on server.
6002 CNTR_DELETE_FAILED The supplied directory could not be removed from the server.
6003 CNTR_NAME_NULL The directory name is required and cannot be null.
6004 CNTR_NAME_INVLD The directory name failed length check.
6005 CNTR_PARENT_NULL The supplied parent directory name is required and cannot be null.
6006 CNTR_PARENT_INVLD The supplied parent directory name is invalid.
6010 SUFX_CREATE_FAILED The suffix could not be created on the server.
6011 SUFX_DELETE_FAILED The directory could not be removed from the server.
6012 SUFX_NAME_NULL The suffix name is required and cannot be null.
6013 SUFX_NAME_INVLD The supplied suffix name failed length check.
6014 SUFX_DCTOP_NULL The suffix domain component top level qualifier is required and cannot be null.
6015 SUFX_DCTOP_INVLD The Suffix domain component top level qualifier name failed the length check.
7000 AUDT_BIND_SEARCH_FAILED The audit bind search failed on the server.
7001 AUDT_INPUT_NULL The Audit input entity is required on this method and cannot be supplied as null.
7002 AUDT_AUTHZ_SEARCH_FAILED The Audit search for authorization records failed on the server.
7003 AUDT_MOD_SEARCH_FAILED The Audit search for modifications failed on the server.
7004 AUDT_MOD_ADMIN_SEARCH_FAILED The Audit mod search by administrator internal id failed on the server
7005 AUDT_AUTHN_INVALID_FAILED The Audit search for authentication events failed on the server.
8001 ORG_NULL The supplied organization unity entity is required and cannot be null.
8002 ORG_TYPE_NULL The supplied OrgUnit type cannot be null.
8011 ORG_READ_FAILED_USER The supplied User OU entity could not be read due to error on server.
8012 ORG_ADD_FAILED_USER The supplied User OU entity could not be added due error on server.
8013 ORG_UPDATE_FAILED_USER The supplied User OU entity could not be updated due to error on server.
8014 ORG_DELETE_FAILED_USER The supplied User OU entity could not be removed due to error on server.
8015 ORG_SEARCH_FAILED_USER The OU User search failed due to error on server.
8016 ORG_GET_FAILED_USER The search for User OU’s failed due to error on server.
8017 ORG_NOT_FOUND_USER The supplied User OU not found due to error on server.
8018 ORG_NULL_USER The supplied User OU is required and cannot be null.
8019 ORG_TYPE_NULL_USER The supplied User OU type is required and cannot be null.
8020 ORG_DEL_FAILED_USER The supplied User OU entry could not be removed from the server.
8021 ORG_REMOVE_PARENT_FAILED_USER The supplied Perm OU entity parent attribute could not be updated due to error on server.
8061 ORG_READ_FAILED_PERM The supplied Perm OU entity could not be read due to error on server.
8062 ORG_ADD_FAILED_PERM The supplied Perm OU entity could not be added due to error on server.
8063 ORG_UPDATE_FAILED_PERM The supplied Perm OU entity could not be updated due to error on server.
8064 ORG_DELETE_FAILED_PERM The supplied Perm OU entity could not be removed due to error on server.
8065 ORG_SEARCH_FAILED_PERM The OU Perm search failed due to error on server.
8066 ORG_GET_FAILED_PERM The search for Perm OU’s failed due to error on server.
8067 ORG_NOT_FOUND_PERM The supplied Perm OU not found on server.
8068 ORG_NULL_PERM The supplied Perm OU is required and cannot be null.
8069 ORG_TYPE_NULL_PERM The supplied Perm OU type is required and cannot be null.
8070 ORG_DEL_FAILED_PERM The supplied Perm OU entry could not be removed from the server.
8071 ORG_LEN_INVLD The supplied OU name exceeded maximum allowed.
8072 ORG_PARENT_NULL The supplied Parent OU is required for this operation and cannot be null.
8073 ORG_CHILD_NULL The supplied Parent OU is required for this operation and cannot be null.
8074 ORG_REMOVE_PARENT_FAILED_PERM The supplied Perm OU parent attribute could not be removed due to error on server.
9000 ARLE_SEARCH_FAILED The Administrative Role search failed on server.
9001 ARLE_READ_FAILED The Administrative Role read failed on server.
9002 ARLE_ADD_FAILED The supplied Administrative Role could not be added to server.
9003 ARLE_UPDATE_FAILED The supplied Administrative Role could not be updated on server.
9004 ARLE_DELETE_FAILED The supplied Administrative Role could not be removed from server.
9005 ARLE_NM_NULL The Administrative Role name is required and cannot be null.
9006 ARLE_NOT_FOUND The Administrative Role was not found on server.
9007 ARLE_NULL The Administrative Role entity is required and cannot be null.
9008 ARLE_USER_ASSIGN_FAILED The User Administrative Role assignment failed.
9009 ARLE_USER_DEASSIGN_FAILED The User Administrative Role deassignment failed.
9010 ARLE_LST_NULL Method requires list of Administrative Roles and cannot be null.
9011 ARLE_BEGIN_RANGE_NULL The supplied begin range for Administrative Role is required and cannot be null.
9012 ARLE_INVLD_RANGE The supplied range for Administrative Role is invalid.
9013 ARLE_INVLD_RANGE_INCLUSIVE The supplied range for Administrative Role inclusion is invalid.
9014 ARLE_ACTIVATE_FAILED The supplied Administrative Role could not be activated in the User’s Session.
9015 ARLE_DEACTIVE_FAILED The supplied Administrative Role could not be deactivated from the User’s session.
9016 ARLE_ALREADY_ACTIVE The Administrative Role is already activated in User’s Session.
9017 ARLE_NOT_ACTIVE The supplied Administrative Role is not activated in User’s Session.
9018 ARLE_USER_SEARCH_FAILED The Administrative Role search could failed on server.
9019 ARLE_PARENT_NULL The Parent Administrative Role entity is required and cannot be null.
9020 ARLE_CHILD_NULL The Child Administrative Role entity is required and cannot be null.
9021 ARLE_ASSIGN_EXIST The Admin Role could not be assigned to User already has it assigned.
9022 ARLE_ASSIGN_NOT_EXIST The User Admin Role could not be deassigned from User because it wasn’t assigned in the first place.
9023 ARLE_DEASSIGN_NOT_EXIST The User Admin Role could not be deassigned from User because it wasn’t assigned in the first place.
9024 ARLE_ASSIGN_FAILED The User Admin Role assignment failed.
9025 ARLE_DEASSIGN_FAILED The User Admin Role deassignment failed.
9026 ARLE_OCCUPANT_SEARCH_FAILED AdminRole occupant search failed.
9027 ARLE_REMOVE_OCCUPANT_FAILED The operation to remove User as occupant to AdminRoles failed.
9028 ARLE_REMOVE_PARENT_FAILED The supplied Administrative Role parent attribute could not be removed on server.
9029 ARLE_END_RANGE_NULL The supplied end range for Administrative Role is required and cannot be null.
10001 CONST_INVLD_TEXT The constraint contains invalid text.
10002 CONST_INVLD_FIELD_LEN The Constraint value failed length check.
10003 CONST_TIMEOUT_INVLD The Constraint contains an invalid timeout value.
10004 CONST_BEGINTIME_INVLD The Constraint contains an invalid beginTime value.
10005 CONST_BEGINTIME_LEN_ERR The Constraint contains an invalid beginTime length.
10006 CONST_ENDTIME_INVLD The Constraint contains an invalid endTime value.
10007 CONST_ENDTIME_LEN_ERR The Constraint contains an invalid endTime length.
10008 CONST_BEGINDATE_INVLD The Constraint contains an invalid beginDate value.
10009 CONST_BEGINDATE_NULL The Constraint contains an invalid beginDate length.
10010 CONST_ENDDATE_INVLD The Constraint contains an invalid endDate value.
10011 CONST_ENDDATE_NULL The Constraint contains an invalid endDate length.
10012 CONST_DAYMASK_INVLD The Constraint contains an invalid dayMask value.
10013 CONST_DAYMASK_NULL The Constraint contains a null dayMask value.
10014 CONST_DESC_LEN_INVLD The Constraint description is optional but cannot exceed length of GlobalIds#DESC_LEN if supplied.
10015 CONST_NULL_TEXT The Constraint contains a null value.
10101 REST_WEB_ERR The REST function failed with HTTP error.
10102 REST_IO_ERR The REST function failed with an IO error.
10103 REST_MARSHALL_ERR The REST function failed during XML marshaling.
10104 REST_UNMARSHALL_ERR The REST function failed during XML unmarshal.
10105 REST_GET_FAILED The REST fucntion failed with HTTP Get.
10106 REST_NOT_FOUND_ERR The REST endpoint was not found.
10107 REST_UNKNOWN_ERR The REST function failed with an unknown error.
10108 REST_FORBIDDEN_ERR The REST function failed with HTTP forbidden error.
10109 REST_UNAUTHORIZED_ERR The REST function failed with an HTTP unauthorized error.
10110 REST_NULL_HTTP_REQ_ERR The REST function could not get handle to HTTP Request.
10111 REST_INTERNAL_ERR The REST function failed with an HTTP 500 Internal error.
10112 REST_VALIDATION_ERR The REST function failed with an HTTP 400 Validation Exception.
10201 ACEL_CREATE_SESSION_ERR The RBAC Accelerator function failed because CreateSession LDAP extended operation error.
10202 ACEL_DELETE_SESSION_ERR The RBAC Accelerator function failed because DeleteSession LDAP extended operation error.
10203 ACEL_CHECK_ACCESS_ERR The RBAC Accelerator function failed because CheckAccess LDAP extended operation error.
10204 ACEL_ADD_ROLE_ERR The RBAC Accelerator function failed because AddRole LDAP extended operation error.
10205 ACEL_DROP_ROLE_ERR The RBAC Accelerator function failed because DropRole LDAP extended operation error.
10206 ACEL_SESSION_ROLES_ERR The RBAC Accelerator function failed because SessionRoles LDAP extended operation error.
10300 GROUP_SEARCH_FAILED The Group search failed on sserver.
10301 GROUP_READ_FAILED The Group read failed on server.
10302 GROUP_ADD_FAILED The supplied Group could not be added to server.
10303 GROUP_UPDATE_FAILED The supplied Group could not be updated on server.
10304 GROUP_DELETE_FAILED The supplied Group could not be removed from server.
10305 GROUP_ADD_PROPERTY_FAILED The supplied Group could not be updated on server.
10306 GROUP_DELETE_PROPERTY_FAILED The supplied Group could not be removed from server.
10307 GROUP_NOT_FOUND The Group was not found on server.
10308 GROUP_NULL The Group entity is required and cannot be null
10309 GROUP_USER_ASSIGN_FAILED The Group assignment failed on the server.
10310 GROUP_USER_DEASSIGN_FAILED The Group deassignment operation failed on the server.
10311 GROUP_NAME_NULL The group name is required and cannot be null.
10312 GROUP_NAME_INVLD The supplied group name failed length check.
10313 GROUP_PROTOCOL_INVLD The supplied group protocol name failed length check.
10314 GROUP_TYPE_INVLD The supplied group type is invalid for operation.
10315 GROUP_MEMBER_NULL The Group member is required and cannot be null.
10401 RCON_NULL The RoleConstraint entity was not supplied but is required.
10402 RCON_NOT_FOUND The RoleConstraint entity was not found.
10501 ENTITY_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED The entity does not support properties.
10502 ENTITY_PROPS_NOT_FOUND The entity was not found.
10503 ENTITY_PROPS_LOAD_FAILED The entity was not found.